eat Drink | May 2024

Turmeric: Effect and use as a remedy

Turmeric is a well-known remedy due to its effects. In this article we show what influence the spice has on your health and how you use it. Effect of turmeric on health Turmeric is mostly used to refine dishes. Like many other spices, the goldenseal has some properties that have a positive effect on health...

Q10 effect: What you should know about the coenzyme

The coenzyme Q10 is already known as a content in several anti-aging products. This article gives you an overview of what else you should know about the effects of Q10. Q10 - Presentation and effects of the coenzyme Q10 is a natural coenzyme that can be detected in vital organs. It is a vitamin-like, fat-soluble substance that occurs in the mitochondria...

Overview of symptoms of lactose intolerance

Lactose intolerance comes with a variety of symptoms. Affected people often have a long suffering before the diagnosis is made. In this practical tip you will learn which symptoms you can use to recognize a laltose intolerance. Lactose intolerance: overview of symptoms In the case of lactose intolerance, affected patients lack the enzyme lactase, which breaks down the lactose...

Shelf life of milk: This is how long it stays after opening

Opened milk in the refrigerator can have a different shelf life depending on the type of product you consume. In this article we consider the correct shelf life of the well-known milk product after opening. Shelf life of milk in the refrigerator The different milk products each have a different shelf life...

Saffron for depression: this is how you can use it

Saffron is not only known as a popular seasoning in the kitchen, but is also said to help against depression as a medicinal drug. In this article we explain how the saffron works and what you need to consider when using it. How does saffron work against depression? Saffron has been known in natural medicine for thousands of years...

Horse meat for dogs: you need to know that

Horse meat is playing an increasingly important role in dog food. If you feed your four-legged friend with horse meat, your pet will not only benefit from the good tolerance. Horse meat for dogs - the advantages Like humans, more and more dogs suffer from allergies. In addition to severe flatulence, such an allergy is manifested, among other things, by diarrhea...

Lose weight: these foods help

Proper weight loss foods are natural foods. Here you will find a large selection of slimming agents that make you look fitter, more vital and healthier at the same time. So you not only lose pounds, but feel completely comfortable. Eat fruit to lose weight With fresh, natural fruit, you can quickly lose a few pounds...

Proper nutrition for healthy skin: the best tips

Proper nutrition not only promotes your health in general, the nutrients of healthy foods also have a positive effect on your complexion. Here you will find the best tips on the right nutrition for healthy skin. The influence of nutrition on the complexion: you should know that Proper nutrition can help you improve your complexion or relieve certain skin conditions...

Gin and tonic: why the drink is so healthy

Gin and tonic has many healthy ingredients for the human body. The drink even enhances the look. In the following article you will read everything you need to know about it. Gin has these healthy effects on the body Gin is one of the most popular spirits and can be enjoyed cold in the form of gin and tonic in summer or warm as glow gin in winter...

Keeping food warm: the best tips and tricks

There are several ways to keep food warm. Thermo cups or jars are very popular and can be taken anywhere. These come in different sizes and shapes. You can find even more ideas here. Keep the food warm in the pot If you want to keep your food warm in a saucepan, be sure to put the lid on and close it...

Deacidify the body: the best tips and tricks

If you want to deacidify your body, not only does a lot of exercise in the fresh air help. A base-excess diet and a relaxed everyday life are also the cornerstones for a healthy, vital and cheerful body. Deacidify the body - first steps If you want to deacidify your body, you should first omit anything that leads to further acidification...

Milk intolerance: what you should know about it

More and more people in Germany suffer from milk intolerance. Children are also often affected. We show you which symptoms can occur and how you can alternatively eat if you are intolerant to milk. Interesting facts about milk intolerance Lactose intolerance affects 75 percent of the world's adult population...

Healthy foods to gain weight: the best tips

Unthinkable for some, a real problem for many: If you want to gain weight in a healthy way, you need a lot of patience and the right food. We'll introduce you to some that will help you. With these foods you gain healthy weight Regardless of whether you have lost weight due to a long illness or have always found yourself too thin: gaining weight in a healthy way takes patience and time, similar to a diet...

Pumpkin for dogs: what you should consider

Vegetables are considered a great way to give your pet enough nutrients. The same applies to the pumpkin for the dog. However, you must not feed any type of pumpkin to your dog. We have summarized what you should pay attention to. Pumpkin for the dog: the advantages The pumpkin not only tastes good, but is also healthy...

Omega-3 fats in the vegan diet: what you should know about it

Omega-3 fatty acids are vital. Because they occur mainly and in large quantities in fish, vegans must pay particular attention to the intake of these fats. We have put together how this works for you here. Omega-3 fats: vegans have to be careful Omega-3 fatty acids are essential food components that keep our body fit and healthy...

Hair Loss Foods: The 5 Best Tips

You can also get a handle on the generally feared hair loss with food. By choosing the right foods, you can prevent hair loss or treat accompanying alopecia yourself. Suitable foods: 5 tips for hair loss Hair loss, the so-called alopecia, can affect anyone in doubt. One only speaks of hair loss from a hair loss of at least 100 hairs a day...

Foods that make you tired: you should know them

We consume foods that make us tired almost every day. Therefore, do not be surprised if you suddenly sit on the sofa without a drive, even though you are not tired at all. The most common culprits are white flour and sugar. These foods can make you tired Fast carbohydrates in particular quickly make you tired...

Food for healthy muscle building: the 5 best tips

Muscle building can also be supported with healthy foods. Because if you want more muscles or want to better define your body, you cannot avoid healthy eating. Read here which food is suitable for building muscle. Food: 5 tips for building muscle Muscles cannot only be built up with hard training. The most important thing for building muscle is regular strength training...

Vegan vs. Vegetarian: Here are the differences

In this article, we explain what the terms "vegan" and "vegetarian" actually mean and where the differences are. Meatless nutrition is becoming increasingly popular - we give you an overview of the characteristics. Vegan and vegetarian: what distinguishes the two terms? Vegetarianism refers to a nutritional concept from which various diets, such as veganism, have emerged...

Deficiency symptoms: Which vitamin can help with hair loss

A vitamin deficiency can be the cause of hair loss. Because numerous vitamins are important for healthy hair. A blood test at the doctor can provide information if in doubt. That's why hair falls out at all There are many causes of hair loss. A blood test at your family doctor or gynecologist quickly provides information if something is unclear...

Eating healthy vegan: that's all part of it

Eating vegan can be very healthy because eating less meat leads to lower cholesterol and vegans are less likely to suffer from diabetes 2. However, we explain here what you should consider with this diet. Adequate vitamin B12 intake in vegan food There is hardly any vitamin B12 in vegan food because it is mainly found in animal foods...

Living vegan: the 10 best tips for starting a vegan life

If you want to live vegan, you decide for certain reasons. The implementation is not easy at the beginning. That's why we give you 10 tips on how you can eat vegan permanently. Reasons for a vegan life Starting a life with a vegan diet can have many backgrounds, not only your own health plays a role...

Living sustainably: The best tips and tricks for everyday life

Living sustainably is particularly important to many people in the course of environmental protection. The best tips and tricks on how you can integrate sustainability into your everyday life as a principle of action and lifestyle are therefore revealed here. Living sustainably: This is how it works in everyday life Paying attention to sustainability means consciously dealing with resources and showing targeted consumer behavior in everyday life...

Plastic and plastic: a problem for earth and mankind

The plastic is one of the biggest problems for our environment and ourselves, is no longer a secret. In this article we would like to show you the fatal effects, introduce initiatives and projects and present the main causes. The biggest problem with plastic is its non-degradability The amount of plastic waste, especially in the oceans, is fatal...

Make hemp milk yourself: the best tips and tricks

You can make hemp milk yourself quickly and easily. It not only tastes delicious, but is one of the healthiest cow's milk alternatives and is perfect for allergy sufferers. With these tips and tricks you are guaranteed to get the right preparation. You need that for a liter of hemp milk You can use two different types of hemp seeds for hemp milk: shelled hemp seeds and unshelled hemp seeds...

Advantages and disadvantages of a pineapple diet: that's the reason

With the pineapple diet you can quickly get a flat stomach because the fruit contains enzymes that break down proteins. This gets the digestion going and the pounds drop. You can find out what advantages and disadvantages there are here. That is behind the pineapple diet With the pineapple diet, you only eat fresh pineapple for several days, nothing else...

Zucchini: The little pumpkin is so healthy

Zucchini has become an integral part of summer dishes and especially Mediterranean cuisine. The little pumpkin is also very healthy. In this article, we'll tell you what it's all about. Zucchini - that's how healthy it is Zucchini can be found in supermarkets all year round. They have only really become known to us since the 80s and are often used for many dishes...

Detox liver: 3 tips for everyday liver cleansing

Our liver detoxifies our body. In this practical tip, you will learn how to detoxify the liver yourself and thus support it in its work. We have put together three simple tips for everyday life. Detoxify liver: control what you eat The liver filters your blood, fights pathogens and disposes of waste products...

Cucumber: 5 reasons why it is so healthy

Cucumbers contain many nutrients and antioxidants that are essential for our body. But there are more reasons why the cucumber is so healthy for us humans. 1. This is why the cucumber is so healthy - the nutrients The cucumber contains a lot of nutrients per 100 grams, but is still low in calories. At the same time, it consists of over 90 percent water and thus supplies our body with a lot of fluid...

Lose weight with rice: that's the reason

Losing weight quickly without starving - that is what a diet with rice promises. But what's behind it? We explain how the rice diet works and what you should consider. How does losing weight work with rice? When dieting with rice, as the name suggests, you should eat almost exclusively rice. Losing weight is primarily due to the lower calorie intake...

Sauerkraut: The fermented vegetables are so healthy

Sauerkraut is very healthy because it contains valuable lactic acid bacteria that are good for the intestine and immune system when fresh, unpasteurized and not heated. The vegetable fibers of the cabbage are also healthy fiber, which serve the bacteria as feed. Stay healthy with sauerkraut Those who regularly eat sauerkraut provide their intestines with good lactic acid bacteria...

Drinking water for healthy skin: the most important ingredients in drinking water

Drinking water for healthy, beautiful skin is a well-known beauty tip from models and stars. And water actually has a positive effect on skin and health due to the nutrients it contains. Drink water and absorb important nutrients for the skin By drinking plenty of water, ingredients are absorbed which have a positive effect on our health and appearance...

Make your own juice: the best tips and tricks

Making juice yourself convinces many fans of freshness, but also bargain hunters. The juices, which you can buy in the shops, can be made healthy and delicious at home. We explain the best tips for preparing a digestible drink. Make juice yourself - how it works In principle, making juice is child's play...

Vegan protein sources: these are the top 7 foods

If you live vegan, then you have to eat protein from alternative foods to meat or eggs. But there are a lot of options. In this article you will learn which 7 foods are best suited for this. 7 vegan protein sources Proteins for a vegan diet can be found in numerous vegetables and especially in legumes...

Millet: Why gluten-free grain is so healthy

Millet can be used in many ways and is very healthy. Millet is ideal for people suffering from gluten intolerance. We explain everything you need to know about healthy millet in this article. That is why millet is so healthy One of the reasons why millet is so healthy is that, after oats, it is the cereal that contains the most vitamins and minerals...

Basic food: the 5 best everyday tips

Eating a basic diet does not mean avoiding acidic foods, even if this is often suspected. Which foods support you with a basic diet and which foods you better avoid - find out here. Basic nutrition - with these five everyday tips it'll work The majority of your basic diet should consist of vegetables, salads, fruits and whole grains...

The best recipe for glow gin: how it works

Is winter time mulled wine time? Forget about the hot wine. Glow gin is the trend drink of 2019. The best recipe for the fruity drink can be found here. Make glow gin yourself - how it works Christmas is just around the corner - and with it lots of delicacies such as speculoos, gingerbread and mulled wine...

Drinks for Christmas: three hot recipes with alcohol

So that it is no longer so uncomfortable and cold in winter, warm drinks should not be missing for Christmas. You can find three recipes for warm drinks with alcohol in this article. Christmas drinks - recipe for a classic mulled wine Warm wines, with citrus fruits and Christmas spices - combined correctly, you can conjure up delicious hot drinks for the Christmas season...

Christmas: cocktails with alcohol - 3 delicious recipes

Whether to eat or drink in a relaxed atmosphere: You can easily make alcoholic cocktails for Christmas yourself. We show you three recipes for delicious drinks that you are guaranteed to enjoy. Christmas punch with cinnamon sticks - that's how you make the holiday cocktail yourself The new trend drink glow-gin is spreading more and more - but if you like it more classic, you are well served with a delicious mulled wine or punch...

Build a worm box for organic waste yourself - how it works

Building a worm box is not difficult once you know how to do it. With such a box you can produce valuable organic fertilizer yourself. In this article you will learn how to build something like this and create your own worm humus. Why you should build a worm box A worm box is nothing more than a compost...

Detoxify your body: Tips for natural detoxification

Our bodies perform at their best every day. Therefore, we should detoxify him regularly so that he stays fit and healthy for a long time. Here we give you the best tips for natural detoxification. Detoxify and purify the body with therapeutic fasting and detox In principle, it is about helping your body to get rid of toxins, fats and other impairments and pollutants...

Tighten breast naturally: the 5 best home remedies

A firm breast is every woman's dream. But lay down under the knife for that? It doesn't have to be. In this article, we present the five best home remedies for toning your breast. Tighten your chest: with these home remedies it works With age or after pregnancy and the subsequent breastfeeding, the firmness of the breast often decreases...

Eating to gain weight: this is how it works

Gaining weight must contain more calories than you consume. So that it does your body good and keeps it healthy, the food should also be natural and nutritious. Find out what you should know about this topic here. Prepare food for weight gain yourself If you want to gain healthy and long-term, it is best to prepare your meals fresh and yourself...

Kale: The delicious winter vegetables are so healthy

Kale is a typical seasonal vegetable in winter, which provides many vitamins and nutrients in the cold season. In this practical tip, we will explain how healthy the green cabbage really is. Kale is so healthy From October to January you will find the healthy, green cabbage vegetables - perfect for the cold season, when there are no more seasonal fresh fruits...

Rest time when baking bread: Why dough rest is important

Everyone who has ever baked bread knows it: the bread dough needs at least one rest period. Professionals even leave the dough to rest twice before it can be put in the oven and come out again as crispy bread. You can find out why this is here. Rest time for the bread dough - that's why it's so important The process of baking bread is basically the same...

Let hair grow faster: the best tips and tricks

If you want to make your hair grow faster, simple measures often help. This practical tip shows you how hair care and certain home remedies can shorten the way to a long mane. Make hair grow faster with home remedies On average, hair grows around an inch a month. A healthy and well-supplied scalp is essential for good hair growth...

Strengthen your nerves: The 5 best tips for strengthening your nerves

We are often in stressful situations in everyday life. Strong nerves are required at precisely these moments. With the following tips we show you how you can strengthen your nerves and live more relaxed. Strengthen your nerves: How exercise helps When we are stressed, it is often difficult for us to keep a clear head...

Chlorate: what it is and how dangerous it is

You have probably heard the term chlorate in connection with food and asked yourself: is that also in my food? We will now explain to you what this is all about and how dangerous the substance really is. Chlorate in food - dangerous or not? Chlorate is the salt of chloric acid. You can hardly imagine that, unless you have paid close attention in chemistry classes at school or have taken a field of study...

Macadamia: The nut is so healthy

She is the queen of nuts - the macadamia. Although it has many calories, it is very healthy. Find out everything you need to know about macadamia here. Macadamia - a healthy nut from Australia The macadamia originally comes from the rainforests of Australia. The Aboriginal people have used the nutritious nut for centuries...

Omega-6 fatty acids: what you should know about it

Omega-6 fatty acids have a bad reputation because they are considered harmful to health. Since our food contains too much omega-6 in the times of industrial food production, we consume too little of the healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-6 fatty acids favor inflammation In times of industrial food production, omega-6 fatty acids predominate in most products...

What is fructose: how to recognize an intolerance

In this practical tip we have summarized what fructose is and how you can tell whether you suffer from fructose intolerance. What is fructose? Fructose or fructose is a simple sugar (monosaccharide) and belongs to the carbohydrates. It occurs naturally in fruits and vegetables, but is also found in table sugar and finished products...

Pimples from milk consumption: that's the reason

If you have pimples or even acne, it can help to avoid dairy products. In this practical tip, we explain why this is so and to what extent a waiver can help. Pimples through milk: that's the reason To understand why milk consumption can affect your blemishes, you need to know how milk is produced...

Eating raw spinach: what you should know about it

You can not only steam or cooked spinach, you can also eat it raw. Raw spinach can be processed very well in salads. But there are a few things you should be aware of. Because not every variety is suitable for eating raw. It's best to eat young spinach raw A wide variety of dishes can be conjured up from spinach...

Cardamom: effect and application of the spice

The effects of cardamom have been known for centuries. Especially in the countries of origin of the spice like India cardamom is very popular as a remedy for colds. This is how cardamom works on the human body Cardamom is often used in the kitchen. Many people use it as a spice to refine your dishes...

Spinach: Green leafy vegetables are so healthy

Spinach is very healthy. Because the green leafy vegetables provide many important nutrients such as vitamins and should be on every menu. Regular consumption of spinach supports your health and can prevent diseases. Spinach is so healthy Spinach contains almost no calories, but all the more nutrients...

Stimulate milk intake after caesarean section - all information

After a caesarean section, some women have problems with the milk injection, which may start late. Find out why and how you can stimulate milk production in this health tip. Milk injection after cesarean section - information and tips There is no physical reason why milk intake after a caesarean section should differ from that after a natural birth...

Cleaning the interdental spaces: the best tips

Regular cleaning of the interdental spaces is part of thorough oral hygiene. In this practical tip, we will show you the different options for this type of dental care. Clean the interdental spaces with dental floss Dental floss is the most commonly used aid when it comes to cleaning the interdental spaces...

Elf flower: the crop is so poisonous

The elf flower is distantly related to delphinium and aconite. Therefore, it is generally considered to be toxic. We will tell you how toxic the crop is and whether the consumption leads to symptoms of poisoning. Elf flower is really that poisonous The evergreen elf flower is mainly used as a ground cover because the easy-care plant grows well in the shade where only a few plants thrive...

Order groceries online: price comparison and product comparison

You can also order your groceries in the online supermarket if you don't have time to shop. Our price comparison and an overview of the product range shows you what you should consider when shopping for the five large online supermarkets. Food bought online quickly delivered to many cities: "All You Need" "All You Need" has a comprehensive range of fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy products and household items...

Turmeric: The spice is so healthy

The fact that turmeric is healthy is mainly due to two ingredients. The essential oils contained in conjunction with curcumin make the saffron root not only a spice, but also a remedy. What makes turmeric so healthy Turmeric (saffron root) has several healthy properties. The main property of curcumin is its anti-inflammatory effect...

Aquaculture: what is behind this form of fish farming

Aquaculture allows fish to be bred and natural waters to be protected. In this article we will tell you exactly what aquaculture is all about. That is behind the term "aquaculture" "Aquaculture" is the controlled breeding of fish in designated farms. One of the aims of aquaculture is to prevent the sea from being fished out empty...

Freeze spinach: the best tips and tricks

Spinach is very easy to freeze. All you have to do is keep a few things in order for the leafy vegetables to retain their color and important nutrients. So you can enjoy spinach all year round. Freeze spinach - the preparation If you've harvested too much spinach in your garden and haven't used up the leafy greens, you can freeze it...

Vanilla: effect and use of the spice

The vanilla plant belongs to the orchid genus. Pods grow on the spice vanilla and are used as vanilla in many recipes and other products. We will show you the effect of vanilla and how it is used. Effect of vanilla Vanilla is used in many different products. So all positive effects of the spice can be used...

Eating Date: What You Should Know About the Sweet Fruit

If you eat dates, you are doing something good for your health. Learn what you should know about the sweet food in this nutrition tip. Eat dates for good digestion A healthy diet includes the intake of sufficient fiber. Dietary fiber is an important component for a well-functioning digestion. Dates bring a lot of fiber...

Onions: the different types are so healthy

Onions are one of the most popular types of vegetables in Germany and are all very healthy and versatile. In this practical tip, you can read what the well-known leek vegetables can do for your personal health. Hot or sweet - onions are healthy Onions are indispensable in the kitchen as well as in the medicine cabinet...

Date and its effects: that's why it's so healthy

Healthy dates have been an integral part of daily nutrition in the Middle East for several thousand years. From the outside, the brown fruit doesn't look like much, but in the case of the date, the well-known saying goes: "It is the inner values ​​that matter." Date - healthy power packs for your health There are a lot of types of fruit that look much more attractive than the dates. Bu...

Make ginger oil yourself: a DIY guide

You can use ginger oil externally in a variety of ways and also do it yourself very easily. We show you what you need and how to make the oil in this DIY guide. Make ginger oil yourself - you need that Ginger oil is often used as a massage oil or as a bath additive. For example, if you rub your scalp daily with it, it should also help against hair loss...

Salt consumption: This much salt is unhealthy for us

For years we have been warned of excessive salt consumption. But what is the right dose for the day and is salt the same as salt? In this article we have put together for you what you should pay attention to when it comes to seasoning number one. Salt: healthy or unhealthy? We have known for years that too much salt is not healthy in the long term...

Ginger: How the tuber helps with colds and coughs

Ginger is an effective remedy for colds. The essential oils it contains, numerous nutrients and micro-elements support your immune system in the event of illness. The ginger's spicy substances also promote blood circulation and counteract bacteria. This is how ginger supports your immune system with a cold Confucius already praised the healing powers of the Asian miracle root...

Cocoa: Why raw cocoa is so healthy

Word has already got around that conventional cocoa is healthy. Raw cocoa is even better. He has what it takes to be a superfood. We explain why here. Raw cocoa has more healthy content You probably know it from fruits and vegetables: most vitamins in fresh food are reduced as soon as they are heated...

Store ginger properly - how it works

Ginger can be stored in different ways. Depending on the form in which you buy the spicy-tart tuber, you have to use different methods to keep the healthy root fresh. Always keep fresh ginger in the fridge Ginger is probably one of the oldest and most popular spices in the world. Confucius already idolized the flavorful ginger because of its healthy healing properties...

Chewing pure ginger: why it is so healthy

Chewing ginger brings a lot of benefits. Because the tropical bulb contains many nutrients, has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. In unprocessed form, you benefit directly from all healthy substances. Always peel ginger before chewing Ginger contains many healthy nutrients. In addition, the tuber is said to have many healing effects...

Ginger: Effect and application of the miracle bulb

Ginger is now very well known for its health-promoting effects and is no longer just a hot seasoning in Asian dishes. Here we show you how you can use ginger in nutrition and health and what it does. Effect of ginger on body and health The medicinal effects of ginger on diseases and malaise have promoted the inconspicuous root from a seasoning ingredient to a miracle bulb...

Banana against heartburn: that's the reason

If you suffer from heartburn, a banana can relieve the uncomfortable feeling of rising stomach acid. We will explain why the fruit can help in this case. Banana for heartburn - this is how the fruit helps The nutrients in the banana generally make the fruit healthy. For example, a banana contains a lot of potassium...

Cutting zucchini: the best tips for preparation

Depending on the preparation of zucchini, the type of cutting varies. With a little practice and the right tips, you can prepare the most delicious Mediterranean dishes in no time at all. We'll show you how to prepare zucchini quickly. Zucchini: this is how you prepare the vegetables for cutting In general, zucchini does not have to be peeled...

Losing ginger: that's the reason

Ginger is an all-rounder: the tuber helps with weight loss, against bad breath and nausea, strengthens the immune system, stimulates digestion and can relieve rheumatism. You can easily prepare delicious ginger water yourself. The effect of ginger on the organism Ginger contains the spicy substances gingerol and shogaol, as well as a lot of iron, vitamins, calcium, potassium and essential oils...

Cinnamon is not just cinnamon: Interesting facts about its effects and types

The effects of cinnamon on your health can vary widely. The cinnamon variety plays a decisive role in the effect of the aromatic spice. Cinnamon: effect of the spice Cinnamon is one of the oldest known spices. Cinnamon was part of ancient Chinese medicine thousands of years ago. In the 14th century, the spice came to Europe and the curative Greeks and Romans not only used cinnamon as a spice in the kitchen, but also to alleviate various illnesses...

Bananas in the fridge: the best storage for the tropical fruit

A banana in the fridge will last longer if you store it there correctly. If stored incorrectly, it quickly turns brown and spoils. You can find out here what you need to consider when storing bananas correctly. Store the banana in the fridge Bananas are very popular because they are not only healthy, they also taste good...

Smoke cheese yourself: This is how it works in any case

You can simply smoke cheese yourself. This not only tastes very good, but also works in no time with the right tips. We have summarized how this works for you. How to prepare cheese for smoking Before you smoke the cheese, you need to do some preparation. Get one or two kilos of cheese that you like best - for example, young Gouda...

Vegan: definition and explanation of lifestyle

In the meantime, a lot of people are concerned about their diet and are now eating vegan - but what is the definition for veganism? Here we explain this lifestyle to you and show its advantages. Vegan - A definition of the nutritional trend The concept of veganism has not existed for so long. The lifestyle and diet can easily be differentiated from other forms of vegetarianism: The term vegan first came up in 1944...

Smoke meat yourself - how it works

You can smoke meat yourself. Depending on which type of smoke you prefer, you can create a wide range of aromas. We have summarized how you can smoke meat yourself. 1. How to prepare the meat for smoking yourself Before you start smoking, you should prepare the meat well. This includes pickling, i.e...

Eating egg during pregnancy: you should know about it

If you want to eat egg during pregnancy, there are a few things to consider. We'll tell you what you should know about eating eggs during pregnancy. Beware of eating eggs during pregnancy Some foods should be consumed with caution and only under certain conditions if you are pregnant. This also includes eggs...

Spirulina: effect and application of the algae

Spirulina, also known as blue-green algae, is an integral part of the list of superfoods. It is a real nutrient bomb and can give health a boost, which is why it is very popular. Spirulina - effect and application The spirulina, often referred to as algae, is biologically a bacterium and belongs to the cyanobacteria...

Wheatgrass: Effect and application of the superfood

Anyone who deals with the so-called superfoods will have encountered the wheat grass before. Here we explain what its effect is, what nutrients it contains and how you can use it. Effect of wheat grass - that's in the superfood It is not without reason that wheat grass has a reputation as a superfood...

Rewe delivery service: You should tip that much

If you order from the Rewe delivery service, the question soon arises as to how much tip the driver should receive. In this article you will learn what obligations exist for this. Tipping for the Rewe delivery service Tipping is something of a social obligation in Germany. From a legal point of view, however, nobody is entitled to it...

Cocoa during pregnancy: what you should consider

There is often uncertainty about whether cocoa is allowed during pregnancy. We have researched for you why caution with this treat is advisable and what is completely harmless or even recommendable. Cocoa during pregnancy: caffeine and theobromine You can also enjoy cocoa during pregnancy. However, you should be careful not to eat or drink too much of it...

Orange juice is so healthy: you need to know that

Orange juice is one of the largest suppliers of vitamin C, but is also often criticized for its high sugar content. In this article we clarify how healthy it really is. Healthy orange juice: that's in it Mainly because of its high vitamin C content, orange juice is one of the most popular fruit juices...

Vanilla Sky: Simply mix the cocktail yourself

The Vanilla Sky cocktail is reminiscent of cheesecake and can easily be mixed yourself. We will show you how in the following article. Vanilla Sky - you need these ingredients You can prepare a Vanilla Sky based on vodka without a shaker. All you need is a sufficiently large cocktail glass. The following ingredients are also used per drink: 5 cl vodka 2 cl vanilla syrup 1...

Separate egg: the best tips and tricks

The average person eats around four eggs a week. Some separate the eggs and only eat the egg white to save calories and cholesterol. But also for many cooking and baking recipes you have to separate the protein from the yolk. Separate egg - the classic method Latest videos To separate the egg, beat it on one of the two bowls...

Organic animal husbandry: comparison of organic seals

Agriculture wants to counteract industrial factory farming with organic animal husbandry. You can find out what the different badges on animal products stand for and when it is worth taking a closer look here. Criteria for organic animal husbandry In order for a fattening farm to be able to call itself "organic" in Germany, it must either become a member of an organic farming association or pass the test by an external organic inspection body...

Cooking rice correctly and simply: This is how the perfect rice is made

Cooking rice properly is sometimes not so easy. Especially if you want a loose rice for an Asian dish. That is why we show you some subtleties in this article so that you always get the perfect rice. Cooking rice the easy way Rice is one of the easiest foods to prepare, but cooking it properly can be difficult even for the best cooks...

Grilling for beginners: the best tips

If you are a beginner in the field of grilling, it is often not so easy at first until the first successes are achieved. Because when grilling, there are a few things you should pay attention to so that nothing goes wrong. Grilling for beginners: the right grill is important There are countless grills on the market, which can be operated with gas, coal or electric...

Rice in the rice cooker Instructions: How it works

Cooking rice can be tricky with some rice varieties even with a rice cooker. With our rice cooker instructions your rice succeeds easily and the times of burnt or harmful rice are a thing of the past. Rice in the rice cooker - Instructions Regardless of whether you prepare the rice in a conventional saucepan or in a special rice cooker, both apply: the rice should be soaked before cooking...

Drying plums: How to make your own dried fruit

You can dry plums at home or simply make other dried fruit yourself. There are two methods for this, which we present here. Drying plums: the preparations Plums are a healthy and delicious fruit. To make the harvest stable, you can dry the fruit yourself. Here's what you need to consider: Use only freshly picked plums to dry...

Plums: That's why they're so healthy for digestion

Plums for digestion are considered a gentle, natural laxative. The fruits contain many vital substances and are healthy, whether fresh from the tree or dried. We explain why plums are so good for digestion. Plums: they're so good for digestion If you have intestinal problems, you should use the blue fruit more often...

Fermenting vegetables: what that has to do with bacteria and fungi

Many bacteria are at work during fermentation. They ensure that vegetables are preserved. The necessary bacteria, fungi and yeast form themselves. You do not need to add anything. That is why bacteria develop during fermentation Fermentation is one of the oldest methods of preserving vegetables. This requires a lot of bacteria and fungi, which prevent rotting and give the vegetables a good taste...

Gout nutrition - you should know that

Proper nutrition for gout can alleviate the disease a little. Gout is a metabolic disorder that occurs in batches. You can take countermeasures with the right foods. Gout nutrition: These foods help People who suffer from gout have too much uric acid in their bodies. With a gout flare, the joints and cartilage swell painfully...

Protecting the rainforest: 10 practical everyday tips to save the tropical forest

We have collected the ten best tips for protecting the rainforest in everyday life. They are easy to implement and save valuable resources. If you take some of them to heart, you will help protect the earth's green lungs. Protect the rainforest with a healthy diet It may sound unusual, but your eating habits help prevent the tropical rainforest from being destroyed...

Growing millet: why and what you bring with it

You can easily grow millet in your own garden, because the grain does not only thrive in large fields. Here you can read how it works and what you can do with your own harvest. How growing millet works If you want to grow your own millet, you need an optimal bed. This should be large enough so that the roots can grow well...

Pineapple for dogs: what you should consider

Many dogs really appreciate a piece of pineapple and it is known that the tropical fruit is also very healthy. But what is healthy for us is not necessarily suitable for our pets. Pineapple for dogs - you have to pay attention to that The pineapple contains a lot of nutrients and not only that; there are people who consider the exotic fruit to be a fountain of youth...

Banana for the dog: what you should pay attention to

Many types of fruit, including bananas, are also very popular with dogs. However, as with us humans, not everything that dogs like to eat is always healthy for them. Bananas for dogs - the right dose is important Bananas contain a lot of health-promoting ingredients that are healthy not only for us, but also for our dogs...

Combating sugar addiction: this is the best way to proceed

Sugar addiction is a widespread problem in western industrialized nations. This article will tell you if you are addicted to sugar and how you can combat it. How to fight your sugar addiction Sugar is in almost every food. With many foods, you will surely be surprised if you take a look at the packaging...

Listeria infections: how to prevent listeriosis

Listeria are bacteria that can cause infection. In this article we explain how you can prevent listeriosis. Listeriosis: This is a listeria infection You consume food every day. You may not have known that these foods can transmit bacteria that make you sick. Listeria are bacteria that are very resistant and can be found almost everywhere...

Eating and drinking while hiking: the right hiking provisions

A hike needs to be well planned: not only the equipment and comrades, but also the provisions should help to stay as fit as possible while hiking. In this article, we explain what you should eat and drink while hiking. Hiking: when and what you should eat best No matter which path you have chosen for hiking, the provisions should be well planned...

Eat right after exercising - how it works

Many people forget that eating after exercise is very important to support the body with the right food to regenerate and build muscle. In this article we would like to show you how you should take in after exercising. Why you should eat after exercising Especially people who want to lose weight do not eat anything after exercising, because they believe that the training and weight loss effect will increase...

Eat right before training: The best tips and tricks

Eating before exercise is an important factor. Without food, the body does not get enough energy to exercise effectively. If you are wondering what the right meal is before your workout, you will find numerous tips in this practical tip. Eating before exercise: 5 tips and tricks Eating before exercise is essential for effective training, whether it's muscle building or a bodyweight workout...

Lose weight with buttermilk: that's the reason

It is well known that you can lose weight with buttermilk. In this post you will learn why this works and what you should pay attention to if you want to go on a buttermilk diet. Lose weight with buttermilk - that's why it works Buttermilk is healthy and should also make you beautiful. This is what the advertising promises...

Low-purine foods: recommendations for nutrition

Low-purine foods can help against gout. This condition causes swollen and painful joints, and nausea and fever may also occur. You can effectively counter gout with a low-purine diet. Low-purity foods - gout spurts declare war Purine leads to a high level of uric acid in the blood and can trigger gout flare-ups...

Max Planck Diet: You should keep this in mind

The Max Planck Diet is one of many approaches to lose as much weight as possible in a short time. You must follow a strict nutritional plan and take various risks into account. The basics of the Max Planck diet It should be mentioned in advance that the Max Planck Society explicitly distances itself from the concept of diet...

Everyday Sugar: The 7 Healthiest Alternatives

Healthy alternatives for sugar are sought. Because high sugar consumption favors obesity and lifestyle diseases such as diabetes. We have put together seven recommended sweeteners for you. Sugar alternatives in the form of syrup If you want to replace table sugar, there is a selection of different plant syrups with different levels of sweetness and individual aroma notes...

Stimulate milk production: the best tips and tricks

It is not always possible for mothers to breastfeed their babies straight away. Sometimes you have to stimulate the milk first. Since breastfeeding is best for your baby, you should try the following tips and tricks. Stimulate milk: how it works You don't have to have a guilty conscience if breastfeeding doesn't work right away...

Milk for heartburn: that's the reason

The trick is ancient and simple: milk is said to help against heartburn. But this assumption is not entirely correct. Because many experts suspect that milk can even increase heartburn. You should therefore avoid milk if you have heartburn. Milk for Heartburn - a Myth? When stomach acid rises up the esophagus, it causes irritation to the mucous membranes and causes a burning sensation behind the breastbone...

Frothing milk: the best tips and tricks

A cappuccino or latte macchiato includes a well-frothed milk crown. In this practical tip you can read which milk is best suited for this and how you can froth it best. Frothing milk: that's what matters If you want to froth milk, it is particularly important to choose the right milk. The temperature also decides later on the result...

Lose weight with kefir: that's the reason

Kefir is considered healthy and should also help you lose weight. The drink has many properties that can help you to lose weight. We tell you what to look out for. Lose weight with kefir - is that possible? Kefir is milk fermented with the help of kefir cultures. In addition to lactic acid bacteria, the drink contains numerous other probiotics...

Milk for cough: what you should know about it

Milk is not recommended for coughs, because milk mucilages the mucous membranes even more instead of relieving the cough. Breast milk, coconut milk and vegetable milk are better alternatives, just like warm tea. Milk for cough does not help as well as tea Warm milk with honey is often used as a home remedy for coughs and colds...

Making soy yogurt yourself: the best tips and tricks

Making soy yogurt yourself is very easy if you use the right ingredients. The production works similar to classic yogurt. If you know this, you can also make oats, coconut and other yoghurt varieties. How to make your soy yogurt yourself There are various ways to make soy yogurt yourself. For the first variant you need a yogurt maker, pure soy milk and yoghurt cultures...

Eating right when you have a cold: what to watch out for

Eating right when you have a cold can be a challenge. You either taste nothing or have no appetite. But even when hunger is high, some foods should be removed from the menu. Eat right when you have a cold When the neck scratches and the nose runs, we feel uncomfortable. In addition to the well-known chicken soup, there are some other foods that get the immune system back on its feet...

Tea for colds: these are the best ingredients

Tea is a natural remedy that also helps against colds. Drink it at the first sign of runny nose & Co. to strengthen your immune system. Tea for colds - it depends on the ingredients Various natural ingredients make tea a proven home remedy for a cold. Sea buckthorn : The vitamins C, B, E and K in the orange fruit strengthen your immune system...

Freeze coriander - how it works

If you freeze herbs like coriander, you can refine delicious dishes all year round. Freezing can be done in different ways. In this practical tip, we will show you how it works best. How to properly freeze coriander If you want to use coriander for different fresh dishes, such as delicious salads, then the following method is best...

Pepper: Effect and application of the healthy spice

Pepper not only gives your dishes a fine aroma, but is also a healthy spice. You can find out what pepper can do for your body in this practical tip. Pepper: The spice is so healthy Season your dishes with pepper, they not only taste better. The spice also has a diverse effect on your health. Pepper contains numerous components that affect your body...

Cinnamon while breastfeeding: what you should know about it

Cinnamon can bring risks while breastfeeding, but enjoying it can also have advantages. This post tells you what you need to know about handling the spice when breastfeeding your baby. You should pay attention to this when enjoying cinnamon while breastfeeding Women are generally advised against eating cinnamon during pregnancy...

Transporting the refrigerator horizontally: what you should consider

If you want to transport a refrigerator horizontally, there are a few things to consider. Because your refrigerator has a compressor that contains oil. If the refrigerator is transported lying down, the oil mixes with the coolant. How to transport a refrigerator horizontally Before you transport your refrigerator horizontally, you should thoroughly clean the device and prepare it for transport...

Artichoke: effect and application of the medicinal plant

The artichoke has many health effects and is therefore also known as a medicinal plant. It helps with various complaints, especially with digestion. Learn more about the artichoke here. Artichoke and its health effects The artichoke reinforces the flow of liver and bile, which leads to a higher production of bile acid...

Lady's mantle in the menopause: effect and application

Lady's mantle can be an effective remedy for menopause symptoms. Symptoms such as hot flashes and mood swings are alleviated by lady's mantle, since the medicinal herb has a hormone-regulating effect on the body. Lady's mantle regulates the hormonal balance in menopause Menopausal symptoms that indicate a change in hormone levels are more common...

Lady's Mantle in Pregnancy: Effect and Application

Not only during pregnancy, lady's mantle has a certain effect on the hormonal balance of women. Not every effect of the plant is desirable during pregnancy. You can find out what you need to know in this article. Effect of lady's mantle in pregnancy A certain hormone plays an important role in early pregnancy...

Melissa: Effect and application of the medicinal herb

The impact of lemon balm on health has been known for thousands of years. Melissa has made a name for itself not only as a medicinal herb, but also as a kitchen spice. The plant is also easy to care for and an important food source for insects. Melissa - this is how the medicinal plant works Melissa officinalis, as the medicinal herb is known by botanists, has not only been appreciated by people since prehistoric times...

Vacuuming food: the best tips and tricks

Vacuuming food saves you from unnecessarily throwing away bad food. This practical tip will tell you which tips and tricks are available to make this kind of preservation easier for you. Vacuuming food - you should note that When vacuuming your food, different precautions have to be taken depending on the product...

Freeze the pumpkin: the best tips and tricks

If you want to enjoy pumpkin out of season, you can freeze it easily. In this practical tip, we show you what there is to consider and how it works. Freezing the pumpkin: different options If you freeze the pumpkin, it will last for about four to six months. However, you should always pay attention to what you want to prepare from the pumpkin later...

Freeze kefir mushroom: what you should consider

If you want to freeze a kefir mushroom and thus extend the shelf life, this is basically not a problem. In this article you will find out what there is to consider. Freeze kefir mushroom - so it works Freezing a kefir mushroom is not difficult as long as you follow a few important aspects. Before you can freeze the mushroom, you must first rinse it thoroughly under running water...

Store zucchini correctly: the best tips and tricks

If you store zucchini properly, you can increase the shelf life of the vegetables. We'll show you the best tips and tricks on how to best store food. Store zucchini correctly: the best tips and tricks If you have a lot of zucchini at home, these tips and tricks are useful to keep the vegetables fresh for as long as possible...

Freeze horseradish: what you should consider

One option to store horseradish is freezing. This practical tip tells you what you should keep in mind when storing the vegetables so that the horseradish can last as long as possible. Horseradish - this is how the healthy vegetables last for a long time If you freeze the horseradish, the healthy vegetables will easily hold for around six months...

Packing food with wax paper - that's the trend

Packing food in wax paper is an environmentally friendly way to change everyday life and reduce the use of plastic. That's why we show you everything about the waste-free trend in this article. An environmentally friendly everyday life with food stored in wax paper Waxed paper is not a revolutionary food storage; but it can help reduce the use of aluminum or other foil in your kitchen...

Freeze and thaw salmon: what you should consider

Salmon is a very popular edible fish that you can process in many different dishes. Salmon is easy to freeze if you keep a few things in mind. Then you can easily reuse it later. Freeze salmon - you should be aware of that If you bought a large quantity of salmon, it makes sense to freeze it. However, there are a few things to keep in mind...

Spelled or wheat: which grain is healthier

Spelled is increasingly used in food because it is considered a healthier grain compared to wheat flour. Spelled may offer health benefits if, for example, you are affected by gluten intolerance. Spelled as a healthier alternative to wheat Many experts state that spelled is healthier than wheat. This is based on the following facts: Some people are allergic to gluten, which is found in wheat...

Freeze food without plastic - how it works

Freezing food even without useless disposable plastic is actually very easy and requires no special aids. In this practical tip, we will show you how you can save plastic when freezing. How to freeze food without plastic If you want to do without plastic not only for packaging new food, but also for food that has already been cooked, you will quickly notice that there are no plastic-free products on the market so far...

Eat low in salt: The 7 best wholesome salt alternatives

If you want to reduce your salt consumption or just want to try out new flavors, this practical tip shows you various alternatives to "white gold". Alternatives for salt: that's why they're better Our bodies need salt, but not nearly as much as we eat, especially through heavily processed foods, fast food and salt-preserved products such as sausages...

Coffee substitute: these are the 5 best coffee alternatives

Coffee is part of everyday life for many people, but some consumers are looking for a replacement. Often because of undesirable side effects such as nervousness or high blood pressure. In the following we present 5 waking alternatives to coffee. Green tea: a healthy substitute for coffee Just like coffee, green tea also contains the concentration-increasing and anti-fatigue substance caffeine...

Wax paper for food - so use it

With wax paper for keeping food fresh, there is now an environmentally friendly packaging method. If you want to do without disposable products such as cling film or aluminum foil, you should familiarize yourself with the handling of wax paper. Wax paper: Environmentally friendly packaging for food If you pack food, keep it fresh for a long time, and want to do without plastic, there is now something new in the consumer world...

Donauwelle: recipe for the cake classic

The Donauwelle is a classic on the cake table. The sinking cherries give the two-tone dough its typical wave shape. This should probably be reminiscent of the swell of the Danube. Donauwelle - you need these ingredients At first glance, the list of ingredients for a wave of the Danube seems long. If you bake more often, you will already have a lot of it at home...

Bee sting: recipe for the cake classic

The bee sting is a cake classic that is prepared on the baking sheet. According to a legend, the name of the cake goes back to a planned attack on the city of Andernach in the 15th century. This could be prevented with the help of bee nests. Bee sting - you need these ingredients For a beehive baking sheet, you need ingredients for the dough, for the topping and for the filling...

Cooking Israeli: 3 specialties for cooking

Israeli dishes help with wanderlust and, above all, are extremely tasty. You can easily cook these three typical Israeli specialties yourself and convince your guests with exotic notes. Cooking Israeli - Ingredients for Schakschuka Try this specialty of tomatoes, peppers, chickpeas and eggs either - as is common in Israel - already for breakfast with flatbread or enjoy the Schakschuka together with a warm side dish such as rice, couscous, millet or potatoes as the main meal at noon or in the evening...

Finance Thermomix: You have these options

If you are planning to purchase a Thermomix, you must also be able to finance the expensive kitchen appliance. We will show you which options you have for financing. Finance Thermomix with overdraft or credit A Thermomix is ​​a practical helper in the kitchen. However, the luxury mixer with a price of just under 1, 400 euros is not a bargain. If...

Drying rosemary: the best tips and tricks

Drying rosemary works easier than expected. The popular Mediterranean herb can be dried without much effort and then used in many ways. Drying rosemary: timing and harvest It is important to pick the right time before you dry the rosemary. This is the only way to obtain suitable herbs that do not become moldy or rot during drying...

Rosemary and its medicinal properties: what you should know about it

The healing properties of rosemary are uniquely versatile. The Mediterranean herb is not only popular in the kitchen, but also for various applications related to your own health. You can take advantage of that. We'll show you how. Rosemary: The healing effects in detail Rosemary is one of the classic Mediterranean medicinal herbs and is used due to the ingredients and their effects...

Peppermint for colds etc.: Use of the medicinal plant

Peppermint is a popular classic for colds. The aroma of the herb and the ingredients help to relieve symptoms. The application of the medicinal plant is very easy. Peppermint for colds: effect in detail The fresh taste of peppermint is pleasant and comes from the essential oils it contains. In addition to these, menthol is an important ingredient that is useful for a cold...

Eat properly with a fever - how it works

In the case of fever, the right food is also important to strengthen the immune system. Lots of fluids and warm, vitamin-containing foods are the ideal combination. The course of the disease can be alleviated and shortened with a suitable diet. Eating with fever: chicken soup for body and soul To support the feverish body, it is important that you do not eat anything...

Eating for constipation: the best tips and tricks

If you suffer from constipation, you can get your digestion going again with the right food. You can find out which foods can help with this in this article. Eating with constipation - the right diet for good digestion You can solve a constipation, the cause of which is not due to an intestinal disease, for example with an enema...

Proper heartburn eating: what to look for

Heartburn can be very uncomfortable. With the right food, however, they can prevent acid from escalating into the esophagus. There are many causes of heartburn, but they often vary from person to person. Heartburn After Eating: Find Your Personal Triggers There are many foods that can cause heartburn...

Salmon: Your favorite fish is so healthy

Basically, salmon is healthy. However, this applies above all to wild salmon, which you can hardly get in the shop. The salmon that is offered comparatively cheaply in every discounter is farmed salmon and is not necessarily comparable to wild salmon. Salmon - that's why the fish is healthy In addition to other nutrients, wild salmon contains a high proportion of the unsaturated fatty acids that are essential for our body...

Germinating buckwheat - how it works

If you want to germinate buckwheat at home, it simply works in your own kitchen. You can spice up your breakfast with the seedlings. Buckwheat is particularly healthy with its minerals. How to germinate buckwheat To germinate buckwheat, you need either a seed glass or a colander and a plate. The amount of buckwheat grains depends on the container in which you want them to germinate...

Pumpkin: The delicious autumn vegetables are so healthy

Pumpkin is a reason for many to look forward to autumn. The diverse vegetables with their many different types can be used as a main course, breakfast or dessert. We show you how healthy pumpkin is in this practical tip. Pumpkin: It's in there Pumpkin soup, roasted pumpkin seeds or pumpkin pie - pumpkin is universal, inexpensive and easy to use...

Never heat pumpkin seed oil: you should know that

Pumpkin seed oil is healthy. However, only if you do not heat the cooking oil. We explain to you what effects heating has on the oil and thus on your health. That's why you shouldn't heat pumpkin seed oil One of the most important components of pumpkin seed oil are the unsaturated fatty acids that are essential for our health...

Avocado for babies: what you should know about it

Avocados are suitable for babies as complementary foods with their healthy fats. You can give your child a first avocado from the fifth month. Babies can also eat avocados Avocados are great for adding a little more variety to baby's diet. In many countries, mothers are even the first to add avocados to their babies...

Avocado in diabetes: this is how it affects the metabolic disorder

Avocado was not recommended for diabetes. But the avocado fruit actually has a positive effect on the metabolic disorder. Here you can read how avocado works in diabetes and what other positive properties the fruit has. Avocado for diabetes Avocado contains numerous healthy nutrients that also support the body in diabetes...

Vegan diet: This is how a healthy and environmentally friendly diet works

The vegan diet is based on plant foods. This means that all animal products such as eggs, fish, cheese etc. are consistently omitted. In order to still get all the nutrients, there are a few things for vegans to consider. Vegan diet - why? The plant-based diet offers health benefits to many people. Herbal products put less strain on the digestive tract than animal products and can be metabolized more easily and better...

Saving food: The best tips for saving food

If you want to save food, there are ways to reduce food waste in everyday life. We explain why the topic is so important and help you adapt your lifestyle to more sustainability. Saving food: that's why it's so important Food waste is a major problem in many wealthier countries around the world...

Calculate fluid requirements - how it works

Calculating your daily fluid needs can be a good thing, because an adult is about 70 percent water. It is therefore particularly important to meet your daily fluid needs. Calculate fluid requirements - you should keep this in mind When calculating your fluid needs, keep in mind that only an average can be calculated...

Eat Cherimoya properly: the best tips and tricks

Many people do not know how to properly eat the sweet tree fruit Cherimoya and therefore rarely get the taste of the pleasantly fruity-creamy fruit. In this post, we show you how to prepare a cherimoya. Tips for eating a cherimoya You can eat the Cherimoya together with the bowl. Only you should not eat the seeds...

Store pumpkin: this way it stays fresh and long-lasting

If the harvest turns out to be more than expected, you can store your pumpkin for a few months. This way you don't have to throw it away and you always have enough in stock. We'll explain exactly how to do this here. Store pumpkin: the preparation In order for your pumpkin to survive the next few months, you have to prepare it accordingly...

Summer drinks with cucumber: the best 5 recipes

Drinks with cucumber are very popular in summer. In this practical tip, we present you with refreshing drinks with and without alcohol, which you can easily prepare. 1. The Santino drink with cucumber Fill a glass with plenty of ice and pour 100 milliliters of crodino over it. Then add 20 milliliters of pineapple juice and 100 milliliters of ginger beer...

Turmeric as a beauty agent for hair and teeth - how it works

Turmeric is not only healthy, but also a real beauty remedy for your hair and teeth if you use the turmeric correctly. We show you how it works. Turmeric for your hair: how it works For the scalp, the spice is suitable to counter scalp problems and strengthen the hair roots. Mix 1 tablespoon of turmeric powder with 2 tablespoons of olive oil...

Confectionery training: All information at a glance

In the pastry training you will learn how to make fine pastries. The right mix and appropriate decoration of confectionery is not an easy craft. Education and job bring a lot of variety and opportunities. You will learn this in pastry training In pastry training, you learn how to use desserts. This includes not only knowing the right mix and baking time for muffins and tarts, but also skillfully decorating them and keeping your own workplace hygienic...

Vegan and pregnant: what to look out for during pregnancy

A vegan diet during pregnancy is not a problem as long as you take care to eat all the important nutrients. This requires a targeted selection and combination of foods. Here you can read what to look out for. Vegan diet during pregnancy Eating vegan during pregnancy is evaluated differently. According to experts, a vegetarian diet usually covers the nutritional needs during pregnancy...

Hemp seeds: ingredients, effects and application

You must not associate the new superfood hemp seed with the intoxicant hemp. The seeds primarily contain many healthy nutrients, but do not contain any intoxicants. Hemp seeds: ingredients and effects Hemp seeds are said to have many healthy effects that have not yet been scientifically proven . Experience reports show that hemp seeds help lower cholesterol and blood pressure and protect our body cells from aging...

Multiply rosemary: how it works

Rosemary is a decorative plant that you can easily multiply. And it's worth it, because the spice herb has a great aroma and is an integral part of many delicious dishes. In addition, rosemary has been established in medicine for many years. Rosemary - that's why it is worth growing the herb With its delicate blue flowers, rosemary is not only good in the garden...

Genetically modified food: Interesting facts about genetic engineering

Genetically modified food scares us humans. We do not know what products it is hidden in, or whether it is safe or dangerous. We have summarized some interesting facts about genetic engineering in food for you in the following article. Is genetically modified food also grown in Germany? To make crops more robust, there are genetic engineers who change their genetic makeup...

Plum or plum: these are the differences

Even if both have the same lineage, there are differences between plums and plums. Not only are the fruits different on the outside, they also differ in taste and purpose. Differences between plum and plum Plums and plums come from the wild cherry plum and sloe. At least that's what botanists suspect...

Banana for diarrhea: what you should know about it

Because of their ingredients, bananas are a proven home remedy for diarrhea. We explain in what form you should eat the banana and what there is to consider. We also show you alternatives to banana in case of diarrhea. Banana for diarrhea - you should be aware of this Bananas can help with diarrhea because they contain a lot of pectin...

Moringa Oleifera: Effect and application of the miracle plant

The tropical plant Moringa Oleifera is said to have a whole cornucopia of wonderful effects. Providers praise you as a miracle of nutrients and a medical all-round talent. We have collected essential information about Moringa for you. Moringa leaves: effects due to special nutrient content The Moringa O Liefera plant originally comes from areas of the Himalayas...

Let linseed germinate - how it works

If you want to eat seedlings of the flax seeds, you can easily let the seeds germinate at home. You need a few utensils for this. Here we give you instructions and explain about the superfood. How to germinate flax seeds You need two containers to germinate the flax seeds: one with and one without holes...

Cinnamon oil: effect, use and make yourself - how it works

You can use cinnamon oil in a variety of ways to combat different ailments. This will cure heart diseases, nervousness and diabetes. And the great thing is - you don't even have to buy cinnamon oil because it's easy to make at home. What you can use cinnamon oil for Scientific studies confirm that cinnamon oil strengthens brain activity...

Houseleek: The medicinal plant is so poisonous

Houseleek has been used as a medicinal plant since the Middle Ages. To date, it is not clear whether all types of the plant are poisonous. We tell you what you need to know about the crop. Houseleek: Toxic or not? The medicinal plant is applied externally to the skin. The ingredients relieve skin irritation or burns, for example...

Coffee intolerance: signs and causes

Coffee intolerance is not an allergy to the stimulant and its ingredients. In this practical tip you will learn which causes are responsible for the intolerance and which symptoms occur. Coffee intolerance - these are the causes An allergy is a reaction of the immune system to actually harmless substances...

Use of aloe vera: the 5 best tips and ideas

Aloe Vera is one of the oldest medicinal plants in the world, which can be used in many ways. It is contained in many cosmetic products, but the plant is also very good as a natural application. Use of aloe vera in wound healing Aloe vera is particularly helpful in treating minor cuts and household injuries...

Eating placenta after childbirth: is it really healthy?

Some women choose to eat the placenta after childbirth. However, the mother cake is usually disposed of after birth. In this article, we answer whether this can really be healthy. The tasks of the placenta The placenta takes on various tasks during pregnancy. The mother cake is the link between the mother's and the child's bloodstream...

Store pineapple correctly: the best tips and tricks

A pineapple is best stored cool at around 10 degrees. It should be in the fridge when it is already cut. You can also freeze the tropical fruit because it won't last long when fresh. This way you always have something in stock. Store fresh pineapple properly Buy fresh pineapples, it is best to check the maturity level in the shop...

Lose weight with turmeric: that's the reason

Turmeric not only refines many dishes, the spice can also help you lose weight. In this health tip, we explain how the yellow root affects this. Lose weight with turmeric - how it works Turmeric is one of the healthy spices. The main active ingredient of the turmeric root is curcurmin. This phytochemical acts in different ways in the body...

Drinking turmeric water: that's behind the miracle cure

Drinking turmeric water is often referred to as a miracle cure for health. In this health tip, you can find out what this is all about and how you can incorporate turmeric water into your diet as a home remedy. Drink turmeric water - it's good for that Drinking turmeric water is an easy way to use the health-promoting ingredients of the turmeric root...

Collecting mushrooms: when the search is worthwhile

If you want to collect certain mushrooms, it is helpful to know when the search in the forest and on the meadows is worthwhile. In the following article we have put together a small mushroom calendar for you. When to collect which mushrooms - a small mushroom calendar Most collectors go looking for mushrooms in late summer or autumn...

Muscle building with a vegan diet: you should pay attention to this

Even if vegan muscle building is often considered impossible due to a lack of nutrients, it is still an alternative. In this article we give you some tips on what you should pay attention to. Feed with vegan muscle building So that you can build muscle, in addition to the right training, a balanced diet is important to supply the sufficient amounts of nutrients...

Food for diarrhea: the best tips and tricks

If you have diarrhea, make sure you only eat easily digestible foods. In this article, we explain which foods can help against diarrhea and which you should avoid. These foods help against diarrhea If you have diarrhea, it is best to only eat light food. This is how you supply your body with important nutrients without overwhelming your intestines...

Algae: The different types of algae are so healthy

Whether as a salad, spice or to wrap your sushi in: algae are not only versatile, they are also healthy and delicious. In this practical tip, we will explain which types there are and what advantages they have. Algae are so healthy According to researchers, there are over 500, 000 different types of algae, but only about 200 of them can be used in the kitchen...

Moringa oil: ingredients and application of the power pack

Moringa oil turns out to be a real powerhouse. The cosmetic industry in particular appreciates the valuable ingredients. We tell you which substances are in the oil of the moringa tree and where it is used. Moringa oil: ingredients - that's inside Of the 13 different species of moringa, the best known is Moringa oleifera...

This juice works best for cystitis

Cystitis is annoying, certain juices can quickly remedy the situation. Either preventively or during a bladder infection, the juices cause healing. In this article we will tell you which juices are suitable. These juices help with cystitis There are various juices that can help your recovery from cystitis...

Celery juice: what you should know about the healthy trend drink

Celery juice is a trend drink and is said to contain many vitamins and nutrients that support your health and benefit your body. We have summarized what you should know about healthy juice here. You should know that about celery juice Celery is over 90 percent water. In addition to the large amount of water, it also contains a lot of healthy minerals and vitamins...

Eating Avocado Kernel: What You Should Know About It

It's no secret that avocados are healthy. But what about their cores? We have summarized for you whether this poses a health hazard or is best suited for consumption. Eat Avocado Kernel - Healthy Ingredients Avocado seeds contain many vitamins, minerals and trace elements that are important and healthy for the human body...

Growing wasabi: you need to know that

Wasabi, the Japanese horseradish, is extremely aromatic. However, growing it is not that easy. Below you will find a few tips that will make it easier for you to deal with the coveted plant. Useful tips for successful wasabi cultivation Wasabi is pretty expensive. In Germany it usually only has a very small proportion of the real plant, the rest is often ordinary horseradish that has been discolored and changed in taste...

Fitness: recipe for low carb cheesecake

Feasting doesn't always have to be high in calories. Our recipe for fitness cheesecake contains just two grams of fat per piece. The bakery works without a bottom and is low-carb. Just the right recipe for figure-conscious people. You need these ingredients for the fitness cheesecake A piece of cake has 116 calories, 12 grams of protein and 2 grams of fat...

Curry herb: used in the kitchen and as a medicinal herb

The use of curry herb is versatile. The plant can be used both in the kitchen and as a remedy. Here you can read how to cook the curry herb and what ailments it relieves. The use of curry herb in the kitchen The use of curry herb in the kitchen is mainly used for seasoning. Basically, you should not confuse the curry herb with the curry spice...

Growing cannabis - you should know that

Planning to grow cannabis is not a good idea. The cultivation of plants is illegal in Germany. Find out what you need to know on this topic in this article. Growing cannabis - illegal in Germany In many countries around the world, the use of cannabis is relaxing. The legal situation in Germany is pretty clear...

Grilling with children - the best ideas

Grilling with children is a great idea to try out new recipes because the little ones often want to be involved. We have put together five culinary suggestions for you. Chicken thighs from the grill are also possible with the help of children If you grill chicken legs, you will get a lot of acclaim from children...

French fries: the origin of the popular potato dish

French fries originate from the USA? Not correct! The French and Belgians have long debated who is the inventor of the popular potato dish. Every variant of origin sounds interesting. We show you both versions here. French fries: Description indicates French origin French fries means fried potatoes. Because "Pomme de terre" in French stands for starchy potatoes, and "frire" means "frying in oil" or "deep-frying"...

CBD legal - that's what the law says

Products with the active ingredient "CBD" are finding increasing acceptance in Germany. Many people are confused that CBD should be legal because it is made from hemp. We tell you when CBD products are over the counter and what you should consider when consuming them. CBD: legal or illegal...

Life without plastic: The 5 most important tips for a plastic-free life

Life without plastic is good for the environment. Again and again we hear of huge mountains of rubbish in the oceans that pollute our earth. With a few simple tips, plastic can be saved in everyday life. Why life without plastic makes sense Plastic is dangerous for animals and humans alike. It is high time to become aware of the consequences of plastic for our living space...

Basil for hair: how to use it

Basil is not only a healthy spice, it is also good for your hair. Find out what the home remedy can do for hair care in this article. Basil for the hair - what the medicinal herb can do Simply put, basil can stop hair loss. This is due to a substance that inhibits a certain enzyme in the scalp called 5-alpha reductase...

Liverwort: That's the effect

Liverwort has a diverse effect on health and is also useful in the home. For example, it works against fungi and bacteria. We show you how to use the plant correctly. Health effects of liverwort Lebermoos takes its name from the fact that its leaves are shaped like the organ. Liver moss is also available in our gardens, the medicinal species only grows in Costa Rica, Japan and New Zealand...

Drying chilli: the 3 best ways

You can dry chilli in different ways and make the hot spice last longer. We present three simple methods of drying chili peppers in this post. Air dry chilli Air drying chillies after harvesting is a very convenient way. However, this is not possible in the house. To dry chillies in the air, you need relatively warm temperatures throughout...

Preparation of mate tea: how it works

Mate tea has been widely used in many South American countries for centuries. The trend has now also arrived in Europe. In addition to lemonade drinks, classic tea is also popular. We show how to prepare it correctly. Mate tea: this is how traditional preparation works In order to prepare the caffeinated mate tea in the traditional way, you need a mate mug, a so-called calabash, which is typically made from a pumpkin or wood, in addition to the tea leaves...

Make basil oil yourself - how it works

You can easily make basil oil at home. You can use it in the kitchen or for illnesses. Because basil oil is very versatile. We give you instructions on how to make the oil here. How to get basil oil You hardly need any ingredients to make basil oil at home. A bunch of fresh basil and olive oil are enough to produce the aromatic oil...

Juicing ginger: the best tips and tricks

If you juice ginger, you can use the juice obtained in a variety of ways. We have a few tips and tricks for making ginger juice for you. We'll also show you how to incorporate healthy juice into your diet. Juicing ginger - with and without a juicer There are three ways to extract juice from the ginger root...

Brushing your teeth in a baby: you have to know that

Many parents find it difficult to brush their baby's teeth. It can be easy if you keep a few things in mind. We show you when and how you should brush your child's teeth. You should keep this in mind when brushing your baby's teeth Introduce the different stages of brushing your teeth slowly and carefully...

Soften water: How to get soft water

Softening water is an everyday problem for many, because drinking water sometimes has very different degrees of hardness. We explain how to get soft water. Soften water: Here's how The harder the water, the more lime it contains. If you drink soft water, it affects the human body better than hard water...

Honey mead: make a recipe for honey wine yourself - how it works

You can easily make honey mead or honey wine with a recipe. In this article you will learn what you need to make and find a simple recipe for making the alcoholic sweet beverage. Honey wine - this is how you prepare the recipe for honey mead The mead not only plays an important role in mythology, but has also been manufactured by people for a long time...

Dog cashew nuts: what you should know about it

Dogs are allowed to eat cashew nuts. The nuts are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and therefore healthy for humans and four-legged friends. Here you can read what you have to consider when feeding. Cashew nuts: healthy snack for dogs Cashew nuts are also very healthy for the dog - the nuts not only provide us humans with many important nutrients...

Horse meat: healthy or not?

Horse meat is not widely consumed in Germany, even though it is healthy and very similar in taste to beef. Horse meat is considered a delicacy in France, but it is hardly on the menu in this country. Horse meat as a low-fat and iron-rich alternative After 732 by Pope Gregory III. For centuries horse meat was banned from the poor...

Mate tea: ingredients and effects on our organism

The different ingredients of mate tea have different effects on the body. This practical tip will tell you what's inside Mate and how it works. Mate tea: ingredients with an effect on the body Mate tea contains numerous substances that have different effects on your body. The best known ingredient is surely caffeine...

Lose weight with cinnamon: that's the cinnamon diet

Lose weight with cinnamon - that sounds really delicious. However, a cinnamon diet does not consist of gingerbread and cinnamon stars. We explain what lies behind this in this health tip. This is how cinnamon is supposed to help you lose weight Cinnamon is said to have various healthy effects on the body...

Eat right before sleep: what to look for

No matter what you eat before going to sleep, leaner or nicer you will most likely not wake up. But you will sleep better and start the day much more relaxed. Eat before sleep - you should avoid that Once you eat, a lot of things are going on in your body. Depending on what you eat, the organism has to work more or less intensively to process the respective meal...

The right time to plant herbs: you have to consider that

If you plan a small herb garden on the balcony or in the bed, there is an ideal time to plant. We have summarized what you should consider here. Planting herbs - the right time Most culinary herbs are hardy. However, you should not expose young plants directly to the cold. Drag your kitchen herbs on the windowsill, you can put them in pots all year round...

Spelled intolerance: what you should know about it

Some allergy sufferers can tolerate spelled better than wheat. Nevertheless, there is also an intolerance to spelled. We have put together what is behind it for you here. Celiac disease is usually the cause of spelled intolerance If your muesli, bread or buns or other pasta causes bloating or abdominal pain, there could be a gluten intolerance...

Eggs expired: When you can still eat the eggs

If your chicken eggs have expired, this does not mean that you can no longer eat them. We will show you how to recognize spoiled eggs and until when you can still eat them. Eggs expired: Then you can still eat them The best before date (best before date) of eggs in Germany is 28 days from the laying day...

Is Sugar Really Harmful? - all information

When it comes to discussing whether sugar is really harmful, there are really different opinions. The sweetener is often demonized and completely avoided by nutrition experts. But read in the article whether it is actually a sweet poison. How harmful is sugar really? There is no question that the Germans consume too much sugar...

Cleaning the burnt pot: the best tips and tricks

If burnt-on food remains in the pot, good advice is expensive. We will give you the best tips and tricks on how to clean burned pots most effectively and how to get them clean again. Cleaning the burnt pot: the best tips and tricks One or the other home remedy helps to soften and effectively remove dried-up food residues...

Squeezing lemon: the best tips and tricks

If you want all the citric acid and all the juice of a lemon, you have to squeeze it out well. In this article, we have summarized the best tips and tricks for how to do this without losing juice. Squeeze lemon - it will be productive In order to squeeze the lemon properly, you need a few small utensils...

Pecans: The healthy variety of calories is so healthy

Pecans are healthy. But only if you can take them. In this article, we explain what you need to consider when eating nuts from South America. Pecans - healthy and delicious Pecans are healthy and tasty, but not for everyone. For one, you should like the nut. On the other hand, you have to take good care of your body...

Amaranth vs. Quinoa: a comparison

Both amaranth and quinoa are often cited when it comes to healthy eating. We took a closer look at the food and compared the two pseudo-cereals. Amaranth vs Quinoa: First the similarities The two foods look similar. Both are small grains, with quinoa seeds slightly larger than amaranth. Both amaranth and quinoa are pseudo-cereals...

Acai berry: effect and application of the superfood

The acai berry is a superfood from Brazil that is becoming increasingly popular. You should know the effects and application of the berries, because they have a number of healthy ingredients. The effect of the acai berry in detail It doesn't matter whether you eat the acai berries in powder or tablet form, fresh or dried...

Calcium suppliers: An overview of calcium-rich foods

Dairy products are one of the foods that contain a lot of calcium. However, there are some other foods that are naturally calcium suppliers. Food with a high calcium content Milk and milk products are particularly rich in calcium. Adult people should consume about 1000 mg of calcium a day. That is why you should regularly eat yogurt, cheese and milk...

Peeling Sweet Potato: What You Should Know About It

Peeling sweet potatoes doesn't work much differently than peeling normal potatoes. The two tubers are not even related to each other. While potatoes are nightshade plants, sweet potatoes belong to the genus of wind plants. How to peel a sweet potato Peeling a sweet potato works like a normal potato...

Radicchio: The bitter salad is so healthy

Italian radiccio is loved and hated for its bitter aroma. In this practical tip we will explain how healthy the salad is and what is in it. Radicchio is so healthy Whether steamed, cooked or raw in a salad: Radicchio is versatile. Its bitter taste gives many dishes an extraordinary touch. The red and white salad also contains numerous vitamins and minerals that make it particularly healthy: Inulin: This is one of the main components of the salad...

Magnesium and calcium: that's the effect

Magnesium and calcium are two minerals that are important for the body. The right interplay of minerals is important for your health. Magnesium and calcium - tasks of the minerals in the body Calcium ensures stable bones in the body. The mineral also plays an important role in dental health. However, too much calcium is not good for the body...

What vitamins does an apple have? Simply explained

It's common knowledge that apples are healthy - but what vitamins an apple really has may surprise you. In this article we show what healthy power is in the fruit. What vitamins does an apple have? Apples, small as most are, are real vitamin bombs. In addition to the important vitamin A, an apple also has a lot of beta-carotene...

Make your own gin - how it works

Macerating gin is one way of making the popular drink on your own. All you need is the right utensils and ingredients. Compared to distilling, maceration does not require a firing permit. Making gin: utensils and materials Before you can make gin yourself, you need to stock up on the ingredients and utensils for this process...

Make quince juice yourself: how it works

Everyone who has quinces and a blender or juicer in the household can make quince juice themselves. The homemade quince juice is delicious, healthy and can also be used as a basis for smoothies or for mixing cocktails. Make quince juice yourself - the most important tips If you want to make quince juice yourself, there are a few tips to keep in mind...

Mix Aperol: the best tips and tricks

Aperol is a popular liqueur that can be mixed in many different ways. So that you can enjoy the variety and find the right mix for the next party, we have put together tips and tricks on how best to mix Aperol. Mix Aperol properly - that's in the orange liqueur Before you learn the mix variants, we will briefly explain what Aperol is...

Decaffeinate coffee: how it works

If you cannot tolerate certain components of coffee or want to avoid the usual "caffeine surge", decaffeinated coffee can be something for you. In this article, we explain methods for decaffeinating coffee. Decaffeinated coffee using a chemical process While benzene was previously used for this procedure, other substances are used today because benzene is carcinogenic...

Coffee enema: This brings coffee for colon cleansing

A coffee enema surely sounds unusual to many people at first. The enema with the drink not only serves to cleanse the colon, but primarily to detoxify the body. We explain how this works in this health tip. Coffee enema - detoxify with the drink and body Coffee with constipation is no longer an insider tip...

Coffee: the 5 best and healthiest alternatives

Coffee can be an important part of everyday life for many people, but it is not always recommended or healthy. You can find out here which drinks have a similar effect but a healthy alternative. Start of the day with energy and alternatives to coffee The refreshing qualities of coffee are just one of the reasons why many people consume it every day...

Amaranth: This is behind the gluten-free pseudo grain

A characteristic of amaranth is that the pseudo grain is gluten free. The small grains also bring a lot of healthy ingredients. Find out why amaranth is so popular for healthy eating in this article. Gluten-free amaranth - what is it actually? Amaranth is a pseudo grain. These pseudo-cereals include plants whose grains are used in a similar way to cereals, but which do not belong to the family of sweet grasses, i...

Quinoa: pseudo grain is so healthy

Quinoa is one of the healthy superfoods. Because the small grains contain numerous valuable nutrients. In addition, the pseudo grain is gluten-free and therefore well tolerated for people with an intolerance. Quinoa is so healthy The large amount of healthy nutrients makes quinoa particularly healthy...

Cauliflower nuggets: this is how the vegetable alternative works

Cauliflower nuggets are a healthy alternative to meat products - for young and old. Even children who don't like vegetables will be pleasantly surprised by the tasty nuggets. We explain how to make them in the following article. You need these ingredients for cauliflower nuggets For four servings of cauliflower nuggets, you need a small cauliflower, potatoes, flour, cornflakes, breadcrumbs, an egg and salt and pepper to taste...

Buckwheat: that's how healthy pseudo-grain is

Buckwheat is a healthy pseudo grain and a gluten-free alternative to wheat. But not only that, buckwheat contains a lot of important nutrients. Read more about the ingredients and correct use of buckwheat here. Buckwheat is so healthy Buckwheat is considered to be particularly healthy. Since it has no gluten, it is well suited to the diet of people who suffer from gluten intolerance...

Banana: The favorite fruit is so healthy

Bananas taste delicious, are a quick source of energy and are also very healthy. Although they are one of the most high-calorie types of fruit, this does not detract from their health-promoting properties. That's why bananas are so healthy The yellow fruit contains many substances that support the body in its functions, in a particularly high concentration...

Food with a lot of magnesium: This is the most

Magnesium is an important building block for the human body. It can be ingested not only in the form of tablets but also by eating certain foods. You can find out which of these contain a lot of magnesium in this article. Magnesium - there is so much in food A magnesium deficiency can cause unpleasant symptoms in the body...

Paprika: red, green or yellow - here are the most vitamins

Bell peppers are known to contain plenty of vitamins. You can find out which color brings most of it in this practical tip. Vitamins in peppers: red is ahead Paprika is a real vitamin C bomb in all colors. The red pepper has the most vitamin C. 100 grams contain 140 mg of vitamin C. Yellow peppers ranked second with 120 to 130 mg vitamin C per 100 grams...

Cinnamon in diabetes: the influence of cinnamon on the organism

Cinnamon is said to have a positive effect on blood sugar levels in diabetes. Learn what you need to know about the spice in connection with diabetes in this health tip. Cinnamon for Diabetes - Explanation of Diabetes Types To better understand the effect of cinnamon on diabetes, we first explain the two types of diabetes...

Banana leads to constipation: what's really behind it

Bananas are a popular and healthy fruit. Nevertheless, the banana has a reputation for causing constipation. You can find out in this article whether this assumption is correct. Banana does not cause constipation It is a myth that the banana stuffs, causing constipation. The banana is high in fiber. In the banana, these are the pectins...

Measure ketosis: There are different options

Measuring ketosis is particularly popular at the beginning of a ketosis diet. This is the only way to know to what extent your metabolism has already changed. There are three different measurement options available for checking your ketosis, we will introduce them to you. Measure ketosis - the cheapest option Ketosis recipes are fashionable because they help you lose weight...

Celandine: This is how it works against warts and other complaints

The yellow milk juice of celandine is advertised against warts in old herbal books. There are many stories about the so-called gold root. Even in today's medicine, the plant is no stranger. Celandine - its plant sap is said to help against warts The goldenseal allegedly served the alchemists of the Middle Ages in the production of the "Philosopher's Stone" and gold...

Washing rice properly: the best tips and tricks

You should wash rice thoroughly before preparing it. In this article, we explain why this is important and how you can best do it. Wash rice - reasons for and against Rice is a natural product. This means that there may also be impurities in the rice. You can remove them by washing them thoroughly. Here you can find out which arguments speak in favor of washing rice and which rice you should prepare naturally...

Replacing an egg in a cake: the best tips and tricks

More and more people want to replace the egg in the cake with animal-free and therefore vegan products. We show you the best tips and tricks so that your baking result is still a successful one. Replacing an egg in a cake: tips and tricks Some foods work just as well as the egg when baking cakes. Bananas are particularly suitable as a vegan alternative to eggs...

Marinate meat: the best tips and tricks

If you marinate meat yourself, you have a free choice of spices. The taste of the meat is improved by pickling, at the same time it can also bring health benefits. Marinate meat: with these basic ingredients Just put raw meat on the grill, then salt and pepper, done? It works, but it is far from being the pinnacle of barbecue enjoyment...

Preparing meat in the oven: the best tips and tricks

If you prepare your meat in the oven, the roast will be tender and juicy with the right recipe. In this article, we have collected a few tips for preparation in the oven for you. Braise meat in the oven You can braise meat both on the stove and in the oven. Choose the oven variant, add some liquid to the meat...

Chewing gum: this happens in the body

Chewing gum is popular with children and adults alike. But hardly anyone thinks about what triggers chewing gum for a long time in the body. We have researched everything you need to know about it. Chewing gum: that's chewing pleasure Most of us have already done it, and surely you have: Chewing gum...

Freeze salsify: you need to know

Since salsify is healthy and can be prepared in a variety of ways, you should also freeze it so that you can prepare it later. We have summarized what you should know about the healthy root for you. How to Freeze Salsify Like other bulbous vegetables, salsify only stays in the fridge for a few weeks...

Store banana properly - how it works

If you keep a few things in mind when storing bananas, the fruit stays fresh longer. We will show you how to properly store bananas. We'll also tell you a simple trick to make the fruit last longer. Store bananas at room temperature Bananas don't like it cold when stored. The refrigerator is not the right place to keep bananas...

Sugar without calories: what you should know about it

We all love the sweet taste of sugar - but most would prefer sugar without calories. This is why we have put together a list of alternatives to sugar for you in this article. Alternative sweeteners - sugar without calories Sugar without calories is a dream for many of us. White gold, as sugar is also called, is the most popular sweetener in the production and enjoyment of food...

Eating fly agaric: how toxic it really is

It is common for many people to collect plenty of mushrooms in autumn. But you should pay particular attention to the toadstool. You can find out how dangerous the type of mushroom is and whether you can eat it in our practical tip. Eating fly agaric - so it can be dangerous The toadstool is said to be toxic because it contains strong psychoactive substances...

Children's food: they are really that healthy

Cornflakes, bear sausage, children's fruit juice drinks and chocolate bars are just a few examples of children's food. These are often advertised as child-like, sold with extra stickers and are beautifully colorful. However, they offer no advantage for the nutrition of your offspring. However, they are often unhealthy and overpriced...

Make kefir yourself: the best tips and tricks

You can easily make healthy kefir yourself. The most important thing here is correct and hygienic handling of the mushroom so that production is successful. Make kefir yourself - it's that easy To make half a liter of kefir, you need 500 ml of room temperature UHT milk and a kefir mushroom. You also need a clean, closable glass, a plastic spoon and a plastic strainer...

Germinate oats: the best tips and tricks

With the right tips, you can successfully sprout oats at home. If you do everything right, you will have oat seedlings after only three days, which you can then put in a healthy cereal, for example. Germinate oats in a special glass Oat seedlings contain a lot of healthy vital substances from which your body can benefit...

Sweet chestnuts: how to recognize them and collect them properly

You will get the most beautiful specimens if you collect chestnuts yourself. But not every chestnut that you find in the forest is also a sweet chestnut. Because in addition to the edible fruit, there is also the horse chestnut. This is not edible. How to recognize the chestnut tree when collecting Sweet chestnuts don't grow everywhere...

Paprika: That's where the different colors come from

Bell peppers come in different colors and shapes. In this article you will learn why the vegetables are so colorful and change their color over time. Peppers - an explanation of the different colors If you plant peppers in your garden, you have definitely chosen a particular variety. For example, peppers are available as round pods or as pointed peppers...

Coffee with lemon for headaches - how it works

Coffee with lemon works similarly to painkillers for headaches. However, if you have a severe headache or a sensitive stomach, it is better to resort to other headache remedies. This is how coffee with lemon works for headaches If you often suffer from a headache and need to take painkillers, coffee with lemon could be a healthy alternative for you...

Ginger in pregnancy: what you should know about it

Ginger can help against the nausea associated with pregnancy. However, the sharp tuber also carries some risks. Find out what you should know about this health tip. Ginger for nausea during pregnancy Ginger is considered extremely healthy and is recommended for many things. In traditional Chinese medicine, ginger has been used as a remedy for thousands of years...

Make french fries yourself: the best tips and tricks

Making fries yourself takes a little longer than deep-frying fries, but it's worth it. The taste of the golden-baked potato pieces is much fresher in the homemade variant and you know the exact ingredients. Making french fries is really easy To make french fries yourself, you need about 20 to 30 minutes of preparation time, depending on the number of servings...

Horseradish for horses: effect and application

Horseradish can be very useful for the health of the horse if the root is used properly. Horseradish is in no way just a kitchen spice: the root vegetable has also been used as a medicinal plant for hundreds of years. Horseradish - that's why the medicinal plant is so healthy Where the name horseradish comes from has not yet been finally clarified...

Sulfur: Effect and possible uses in homeopathy

Sulfur is widely used in homeopathy. We explain the effect and use of the substance in homeopathy. Sulfur in homeopathy: effect Sulfur is nothing more than sulfur. Sulfur affects various areas in the body. It is known that sulfur affects metabolism and the autonomic nervous system. The effect of sulfur on the skin and mucous membranes is also known...

Replace egg with applesauce - how it works

You can easily replace an egg in a cake with apple sauce when baking. We have summarized how this works and what you should consider here. Vegan alternative: replace egg with applesauce If you want to bake without an egg, use applesauce for your sponge cake or muffins instead of chicken egg. The advantage of the fruity muse over other egg alternatives: it harmoniously blends in with sweet recipes...

Make water stable: This is how you can conserve your water supply

Water is one of our staple foods. If you store water for emergencies, be sure to make the water durable. You can conserve water using various methods. This is how you can preserve water There are different ways to keep water stable. On the Internet or specialist shops, you can get different agents in powder, tablet or liquid form with which you can make water stable...

Eating turmeric raw: what you should know about it

If you like to season with turmeric, you may have wondered if you can also eat the root raw. We will answer you in this nutrition tip whether this is possible. Eating turmeric raw - that works In India, turmeric is not just a spice, it is also used as a medicine in medicine. Turmeric is also a major ingredient in curry dishes...

Simply peel the avocado: how it works

We show you how you can simply peel avocados and cut them into beautiful pieces or slices. Because the fruits are not only tasty and healthy, but are also perfect for spicing up many dishes. Peeling avocado made easy: the first steps First of all, you need to make sure that the avocado is ripe. The quickest way is with a simple pressure test...

Aspartame: is the sweetener unhealthy?

The sweetener aspartame as a substitute for sugar has long been suspected of being unhealthy. Diabetics in particular use the sweetener to sweeten tea or coffee. We will inform you about the sweetener and its effects. Aspartame: unhealthy sugar substitute Aspartame consists of the three substances methanol, phenylalanine and aspartic acid...

Sloe - the crop is so poisonous

The sloe is often called poisonous, although its ingredients are used in homeopathy. Read here whether you can safely use the plant and its fruits for jams and Co. Sloe kernels are slightly toxic Except for the fruit seeds, no part of the sloe is poisonous. The substance contains amygdalin, as in cherry or apricot kernels, for example...

Mulberries: effects and ingredients

The mulberry is a real power fruit. The healthy and tasty berry is rarely found fresh in Germany. We have summarized the effects and ingredients for you. The effective ingredients of the mulberry No matter whether fresh or dried - the mulberry convinces with its health-promoting ingredients. We have three types of fruit: black, white and red mulberry...

Making meat tender: These are the best tips and tricks

If you want to make meat tender, there are a few simple tips and tricks to help you do it. The extra steps are worth it because tender meat tastes better. We will explain how you can prevent it from becoming tough. Making meat tender: steps before preparation With the right technique, you can make any kind of meat tender...

Which water is suitable for babies - all information

Not every water is suitable for a baby because the kidneys and immune system are not yet strong enough to withstand minerals and germs. We'll tell you what water you can give your toddler. What water can a baby drink? Water for your baby must not contain germs or too many minerals. A baby's kidneys cannot yet excrete sodium and sulfates...

Raspberry health power plant: the super fruit is so healthy

Raspberries grow in many gardens and are very popular due to their intense taste. We show you that raspberries are not only good taste but also healthy. Raspberries are so healthy Raspberries have some health benefits, which is why you can consume them in large quantities. Raspberries contain nutrients that are essential for our body...

Goji berries: that's how healthy superfood is

Goji berries are considered superfood. But not all red berries are healthy. In this practical tip you can read what you should pay attention to when buying and consuming. Goji berries: the healthy effects of the fruit In Germany, the healthy goji berries are almost only available in dried form. 250 grams of the Asian super fruit cost between five and 15 euros...

Cashew nuts: superfood is so healthy

The cashew does not belong to the nut family, but is just as healthy as this and therefore enjoys the reputation of a superfood. We have put together a list of the nutrients and ingredients that play a role here. The healthy cashew convinces with inner values Word has got around that cashew nuts are healthy, especially among athletes and vegans...

Morning coffee: when it is most effective to drink coffee

Coffee in the morning is a fixed ritual for many. However, the early time immediately after getting up does not seem to be the best for the pick-me-up. When we should and shouldn't drink coffee depends on many factors. Theoretical principle: This is how coffee wakes you up early in the morning Caffeinated coffee makes you happy...

Eating aloe vera: the best uses

Aloe vera gel has long been known as an ingredient in cosmetics, but it can also be used as a food. In this article, we explain how you can best eat the plant. Aloe Vera: Not only for cosmetics, but also for food It is usually safe and healthy to eat aloe vera. However, there are a few things to watch out for...

Don't throw cucumber water away: it's so helpful in the kitchen

If the jar of pickles is empty, a lot of cucumber water remains. Do not throw it away, it can be used in the kitchen. The water from fresh cucumbers is used in the main care. Continue using cucumber water in the kitchen The spicy brew of pickled cucumbers finds other uses in the household. You should therefore not tip it down the drain...

Freeze and defrost meat - that's how it works

If you bought or thawed too much meat, you can freeze it again. But not in all cases. In this practical tip, we explain what you should consider when freezing and defrosting meat. Defrost meat It is usually not good to cook meat that has been thawed twice. This poses health risks. We will now show you what you can do if you still want to freeze meat a second time...

CO2 emissions from meat and milk production: this is how livestock is ranked

Meat production is jointly responsible for increased CO2 emissions. Many people therefore choose to avoid certain foods to protect the climate. CO2 emissions from meat and milk production Meat and milk production is responsible for almost a tenth of Germany's annual CO2 emissions. Animals emit gases and oils are burned when kept...

Calcium in pregnancy: what you should know about it

Make sure you have an adequate supply of calcium during pregnancy. In this article we explain why the mineral is so important for you as a mother and for your baby. Calcium in pregnancy - why the mineral is so important The mineral calcium is used by your body for various tasks. Minerals play an important role in bone building and bone strengthening - especially calcium...

Ignite charcoal grill: Instructions with and without grill lighter

Start the barbecue season, there are several ways to light your charcoal grill. We show you how it works with and without a grill lighter. Light a charcoal grill with a grill lighter - that's how it works Barbecue lighters are practical and safe tools to make the charcoal glow. The trade offers grill lighters in solid and in liquid or gel form...

Boil raw milk: that's why it's so important

Raw milk can already contain bacteria in the barn after boiling without boiling. It is therefore strongly advised to pasteurize milk before drinking in order to protect people who are particularly susceptible to illness. That's why you should boil raw milk Raw milk is considered a special taste experience, especially warm and milked directly from the animal...

Dates in pregnancy: what you should know about it

Dates in pregnancy are valuable sources of energy. They contain a lot of vitamin B and minerals, which are very important, especially during pregnancy. But birth can also be made easier by eating dates. Dates provide a lot of energy during pregnancy Although dates contain a lot of fructose and calories, they provide a lot of nutrients that are important for mother and the unborn...

Eating in case of acidity: Which foods you should use now

If your body is overacidified, you should primarily eat foods that balance the acid-base balance. You can find out which foods are particularly suitable for this purpose in this practical tip. Eating overacidification - alkaline foods help Sugar, coffee, as well as fast food and ready meals such as pizza, have a negative effect on the acid-base balance and lead to overacidification of the body...

Soften the cornea - that's how it's done

By softening the cornea, it is easier to remove afterwards. You can prepare footbaths or a chamomile pack with simple household remedies. How to soften the cornea Before removing the cornea, you should soften it. This works best with foot baths or a chamomile pack. For the classic chamomile pack against cornea, put a tablespoon of chamomile flowers in a linen or cotton fabric...

Sea bream: These calories and nutritional values ​​are in the fish

The sea bream is a fish delicacy that is in high season from July to October. It convinces gourmets, but also every fitness enthusiast, because it has excellent inner values. The nutritional values ​​of the sea bream are convincing Because it has little but high-quality fat, the sea bream is excellent fitness food. At...

Avoid starch: the best alternatives

If you don't have a cornstarch at hand or would like to do without the binder in general, you can easily replace it. We show you the best alternatives to conventional cornstarch. Avoid starch: alternatives for baking When baking, there are some alternatives to starch, which should make the pastries fluffy and lighter...

Emmer for a low-gluten diet: Interesting facts about the original grain

Emmer is an ancient type of grain. It is considered healthy and nutritious, but contains gluten. Nevertheless, some people tolerate it better than conventional cereals. Over 10 grams: Emmer also contains gluten Anyone affected by gluten intolerance - also known as celiac disease - needs gluten-free cereals and flours, which they can eat without complaints instead of wheat, spelled, rye and the like...

Fish oil in pregnancy: you need to know

Fish oil in pregnancy is said to have many positive effects on newborn development. We have put together for you what is behind the numerous promises surrounding omega-3 fatty acids. Fish oil in pregnancy: promised effects Fish oil in pregnancy - this recommendation is controversial. Proponents call for positive effects on the development of the fetus, which should last until the child's first years...

Store whiskey - you should note that

Storing whiskey needs to be learned, because incorrect storage can have a decisive influence on the taste of the spirit. We have summarized for you what you should consider. How to store unopened whiskey There are some tips to help you keep your whiskey stable for as long as possible. The following applies to unopened whiskey bottles...

Parsley tea: preparation and effects

With the right preparation, a parsley tea can alleviate various symptoms. How you can easily prepare parsley tea and what effects it has, you can read in the following practical tip. Prepare parsley tea - how it works To make parsley tea, you need the leaves, stems, fruits or roots of the plant. Crush the parsley into small pieces and put one or two teaspoons in a large glass...

Make apple cider vinegar yourself: Here's how

Make apple cider vinegar yourself, know all the ingredients and get a healthy condiment that contains vitamins and trace elements without any unwanted additives. Making apple cider vinegar: there are options Use either fresh apples, brandy vinegar or apple juice to make them. It's best to use unsprayed organic apples...

Calcium and Vitamin D: Interesting facts about the interaction

Both the mineral calcium and vitamin D are important for the stability of your bones. This health tip explains how the two substances interact in the body. Calcium and vitamin D - interplay in the body Calcium ensures stable bones and healthy teeth. The mineral is not only needed for building bones, but also in the cardiovascular system...

Eating and drinking after dental surgery: what is now allowed

Dental surgery is a painful procedure that will keep you busy for a few days afterwards. We show you what you can eat and drink in the period after a dental operation. The right food after a dental operation In the days after a dental operation, your teeth are still very sensitive and must not be stressed too much...

Pumpkin seeds for the prostate: effect and application

Pumpkin seeds are an insider tip when it comes to prostate health care. But do the green seeds actually help when a man has problems with the prostate? Folk medicine: Pumpkin seeds relieve symptoms of an enlarged prostate From the age of fifty it affects about every second man, at eighty almost everyone: there are difficulties urinating and at the same time the urge to urinate...

Kiwi berry: The mini kiwi is really that healthy

The kiwi berry is very healthy. It is rich in vitamin C, supports digestion and strengthens the nerves. But that's not all. The little relative of the kiwi can do much more! Kiwi berries impress with many healthy nutrients Kiwi berries are related to the big kiwis. However, the three centimeters small berries do not have to be peeled...

Eat properly with gout: what you should pay attention to

If you suffer from gout, there are a few things to consider when choosing food. This health tip tells you which diet is healthy for your body and which foods you should avoid. Eating gout - you should avoid these foods Gout is a metabolic disorder. If you suffer from gout, you should avoid foods with a high purine content...

Acesulfame: What you should know about the synthetic sweetener

Acesulfame is an artificial sweetener. It is often found in reduced-sugar foods. Contrary to popular belief, Acecsulfam does not help you lose weight. Read what you need to know about acesulfame. What you need to know about acesulfame Acesulfame is a synthetic sweetener. Many sugar-free foods contain acesulfame...

Diet during pregnancy: you need to know

A varied diet is the most important thing during pregnancy. We have summarized everything you need to know for you here. Diet during pregnancy A varied and conscious diet is not only good for the expectant mother and child, but can bring the whole family to a healthy lifestyle. Overall, most of the recommendations apply not only to your pregnancy, but to all phases of your life...

Green tea: these are the ingredients

Green tea is not just a refreshing drink. The valuable ingredients also have a healthy effect on your body. Green tea: the main ingredients Just like coffee or black tea, green tea contains caffeine. However, caffeine from green tea has a gentler effect on your body. In recent years, green tea has also been used increasingly in cosmetics...

Cordon bleu: the ingredients of the original

Cordon bleu is not an easy dish. The right ingredients are important for the implementation of the popular schnitzel variant. This is the only way to enable the familiar taste that is typical of the specialty. Cordon bleu: an overview of the original ingredients Today there are numerous variations of the popular dish...

Make vegan pizza yourself: the best tips and tricks

For many connoisseurs, salami, ham and especially cheese belong to a pizza. A pizza also tastes good in a vegan version. With a few tricks you don't have to do without full enjoyment. These ingredients belong on every vegan pizza A vegan pizza is no less seductive than its meat and cheese-like counterpart...

Pumpkin seeds: The little seeds are so healthy

Pumpkin seeds are healthy because they contain a lot of nutrients, proteins and good fat. You shouldn't eat too much of it at the beginning, because the body has to get used to the high, natural variety of nutrients. Why pumpkin seeds are so healthy Pumpkin seeds, like sunflower seeds, nuts or other seeds, are very healthy...

Become a vegetarian: the 10 best tips for beginners

Meanwhile, vegetarians want to become more and more people. There are often health or ecological reasons behind it. Here are some tips to get you started on a meat-free diet. Become a vegetarian: these are the reasons Deciding to become a vegetarian can have different backgrounds. A vegetarian diet has many advantages...

Christmas: cocktails without alcohol - 3 delicious recipes

Cocktails for Christmas don't always have to be with alcohol. We present three delicious recipes that are perfect for the holidays even without a "shot". Cocktail with pomegranate - a perfect recipe for Christmas Pomegranate is very popular at Christmas and therefore the fruit is also suitable as an ingredient for a cocktail that does not require alcohol...

Vegetarian diet: This is how a meat-free, balanced diet works

Changing your own vegetarian diet is becoming increasingly popular. A common argument against meat-free nutrition is that pork, beef and the like contain important nutrients. That's right, but a balanced diet is also possible without meat on the menu. Forms of vegetarian diet In general, a vegetarian diet means avoiding meat...

Drying meat: How to make dried meat yourself

When you dry meat, you get a delicious snack. Dried meat not only tastes good, but can also be kept for a long time. We show you how you can easily make it yourself. Drying meat: this is how it works To produce dried meat, you only need quality meat from the butcher as well as salt and pepper. Take a kilogram of beef and cut it into thin strips with a sharp knife...

Eating figs: why the superfood is so healthy

Figs are healthy. Whether fresh and low in calories or dried as an energy source. It belongs to the so-called false fruit and is great for snacking with its many healthy ingredients. What is in a fig? A fig (approx. 60g) has only about 40 kcal, not more than an apple. The sweet fruit from the Mediterranean region is becoming increasingly popular in Germany because it offers a variety of healthy ingredients...

Store pre-cooked rice - how it works

You can store precooked rice in different ways. In this article you will find out which options are available and what you should pay attention to. Store pre-cooked rice in the refrigerator If you have made a mistake while cooking and prepared too much rice, you do not have to dispose of the food straight away...

Roasting coffee yourself: what you should pay attention to

One of the best ways to wake up in the morning is the smell of fresh coffee, which you roast yourself. In this article, we'll focus on making the beans and everything you need to roast the coffee. Preparation for roasting coffee at home In order to roast coffee properly, the right preparation is required, such as the selection of suitable coffee beans...

Drinking tap water: what you should know about it

Those who do not want to lug crates like to use water from the tap. Tap water is generally of good quality in Germany. But there are some pointers you should know. Drink water from the tap without hesitation Tap water is not popular with everyone. Thanks to numerous disadvantages such as lead in water pipes and scandals such as increased nitrate levels and bacteria, many have lost confidence and prefer to use bottled mineral water...

Smoking ham yourself: the best tips and tricks

If you smoke ham yourself, you can look forward to a very special taste experience. We have summarized the best tips and tricks for smoking ham in this article for you. Brine meat Before you start smoking, the ham is cured. You can choose between two options for curing: wet curing and dry curing. For wet curing, place the ham in a large, lockable container...

Peeling turmeric: the best tips and tricks

Peeling the turmeric is much easier than you might imagine when you stand in front of the exotic-looking root. There is little to consider when peeling the turmeric and you can get started right away with the right tools. Peel turmeric - that's how it works quickly Turmeric is a root. Before peeling, think about how much you will be using...

Drain cucumber: the best tips and tricks

For some cucumber dishes, it is advisable to drain the vegetables before processing. The liquid otherwise affects the consistency and taste of the finished meal. We show you here how you can drain a cucumber. Drain the cucumber with salt Cucumbers consist of about 96 percent water. On hot days, this is ideal for absorbing water, but it is unsuitable for preparing tsatsiki, for example...

Emmer: The ancient grain is so healthy

How healthy Emmer is seems to be unclear to most people. No wonder, because hardly anyone still knows the ancient grain. In this article, however, we will tell you what you should know about dual grain. Emmer is so healthy: all information Whether in waffle batter, pizza base, dumplings, hearty rolls or steamed noodles: Emmer is versatile...

Lose weight with buckwheat: that's the reason

Losing weight with buckwheat is a healthy and balanced way to get rid of those annoying pounds. With its valuable ingredients, the pseudo grain ensures that the body gets everything it needs to live. Lose weight with the nutrients from buckwheat Buckwheat belongs to the carbohydrate food group. In recent years they have been discredited as fatteners...

Nettle tea: effect and preparation of the remedy

The positive effect of nettle tea on our health proves one thing very impressively: good things do not have to be expensive. Stinging nettles are among the oldest medicinal plants and have already proven themselves many times over. Nettle - this is why the medicinal plant is so valuable for health Most likely, nettles are associated with unpleasant experiences...

Smoke cold salmon - that's how it works

Foodies swear by carefully smoked salmon. If you want to try to smoke cold salmon yourself, you need a little time in addition to the right equipment. It takes up to a week before you can enjoy the finished smoked salmon. Smoking cold salmon - the right equipment Salmon is a noble food. To make it last longer, it can be treated with salt and smoke...

Replacing wheat: these are the 5 best alternatives to wheat flour and Co.

If you want to replace the wheat that has been discredited, you can choose between 5 alternative products. These should be a lot healthier and thus promote health. We have summarized some alternatives for you. 1. Replace wheat - whole wheat flour as an alternative Whole wheat flour is the first alternative to replace wheat...

How to smoke trout properly: The best tips and tricks

You can easily smoke trout yourself at home. The trout must first be properly prepared, then you can prepare it in the smoker. With our tips and tricks, you can make your homemade smoked trout. Smoking trout - the right preparation Trout are usually smoked hot. Before you start smoking, you should prepare the trout properly...

Eating Buckwheat Raw: What You Should Know About Nutrients and Co.

Many vitamins and minerals are lost when cooking buckwheat, but you can also eat the product raw. We'll show you how. Buckwheat - all-rounder in nutrition Buckwheat belongs to the knotweed family and comes from East Asia. The pseudo grain is gluten-free and therefore an alternative to wheat flour...

Iced coffee: Calories and a low-calorie alternative

An iced coffee is refreshing especially in summer, but has many calories. In this guide, we will show you how many that is and which low-calorie alternative there is. Iced coffee: refreshment with many calories Enjoy a delicious iced coffee while consuming some calories. A real iced coffee consists of cold coffee with a scoop of vanilla ice cream and a cream topping...

Chocolate fondue: the best tips

Chocolate fondue is a popular dessert for birthdays and weddings, but also a special dessert for New Year's Eve, Easter or Christmas. We will give you the best tips to make it a complete success at home. The perfect chocolate fondue We show you the best tips for a successful chocolate fondue. To prepare the chocolate mass, melt 200 g chocolate together with 200 g cream in a water bath...

Ice cream recipes for the ice cream maker: 5 great ideas

With homemade ice cream from an ice cream machine, the enjoyment is particularly creamy and delicious. Here we present five ice cream recipes to try out, with which everyone gets a taste of them. Recipe ideas for the ice cream maker With an ice cream maker, it is very easy to conjure up a creamy ice cream with just a few ingredients...

Make chocolate mousse yourself - how it works

Chocolate mousse is a very popular dessert and very easy to make yourself. We explain step by step how to prepare a delicious chocolate mousse. Recipe for a chocolate mousse The ingredients for a large bowl of mousse: 30 g milk, 1 liter cream, 500 g block chocolate and decoration as desired. Cut the chocolate into pieces and melt it slowly in a water bath...

Chocolate ganache - how it works

A chocolate ganache is suitable, for example, to refine a cake or cupcakes. With the right ingredients, the ganache is very easy and the production is not complex. Make chocolate ganache Depending on what you want to cover with the chocolate ganache, you need a different amount of ingredients. To cover a cake you need: 450 grams of whole milk chocolate, 325 grams of cream and 20 grams of butter...

Chocolate cream - so it works perfectly

After a hearty meal, many look forward to a delicious dessert. In this article, we show you how you can achieve a perfect chocolate cream. Chocolate cream - so it works perfectly For a delicious chocolate cream you need the following ingredients: 200g chocolate coating, 3 egg yolks, 40ml milk, 200ml cream, depending on your taste, some cinnamon and ginger powder Place the couverture in a metal bowl...

Decorating chocolate: the best ideas

Baking and decorating cookies for Christmas is not only great fun for children, it is just as much fun with chocolate. We present you the most beautiful ideas for decorating your personal favorite chocolate. How to decorate your own chocolate We show you how to decorate your favorite chocolate and which ingredients are particularly suitable...

Chocolate icing - that's how it works perfectly

When the cake or cookies are ready, the only thing missing is the perfect chocolate icing. But this is not that easy. We will explain what you need to consider. How to make the perfect chocolate glaze Making the perfect chocolate glaze is not that easy, because it shouldn't be too thick, shine beautifully, be evenly distributed and also taste good...

Sumac substitute: How to replace the spice

If sumac is required in a recipe, you will not find an adequate substitute for this spice. It has its very own aroma that you cannot balance with other spices. How you can still help yourself if you don't have a sumac in the house, read here. Sumac replacement - unfortunately there is no such thing Sumac is a spice from oriental cuisine...

Chocolate for cough - this is how the delicious candy helps

Chocolate for a cough: It is tempting to conjure up a scratch in your throat with a bar of chocolate. We will explain what is behind it. Chocolate for cough: This is how the candy relieves the urge to cough Chocolate as medicine sounds bewitching. We will explain in which case chocolate can relieve your cough...

Alcohol cold: what to do?

What you can do with alcohol colds is a mystery to many people. After a long night they wake up with a cold that they would like to get rid of. We will explain what you can do about it. Alcohol cold: what you can do about it The most sensible way to combat alcohol cold is to sober up. So avoid regular alcohol consumption and cure yourself...

Make dips in the Thermomix yourself: The 3 best recipes

If you are the proud owner of a Thermomix, you can conjure up delicious dips in no time with the practical mixer. We present the three best recipes in this article. Feta and paprika dip from the Thermomix A delicious and light dip for four people is ready in no time in the Thermomix. Crush 30 g of dried apricots in the mixing pot for four to five seconds at level 5...

Eggplant: calories and nutritional values

Eggplants are low in calories and have many healthy ingredients. The Mediterranean vegetables are cooked, grilled or fried on the plate and even help you lose weight. Eggplants are low in calories There are many different types of egg fruit. Regardless of whether you prefer dark purple, purple and white striped or yellow fruits - the energy balance is the same for all variants...

Drink water properly: everything you should know about it

Drinking water is important and healthy, not least because the human body consists of around 70% water. In this practical tip we show you what you should consider when drinking. That is why drinking water is important The human body consists largely of water. In the blood, in the cells, in the organs...

Purify water: The 3 best methods at a glance

If you are traveling or traveling, it may be necessary to purify water to make it drinkable. In a few countries, the water quality meets the usual standards of the German population. This practical tip tells you which methods are suitable for cleaning. Purify water: Simply boil it By simply boiling the water, you kill existing bacteria or parasites...

Low-calorie noodles: pasta for figure-conscious people

Low calorie noodles - is there such a thing? In our article we present pasta dishes as well as recipes with pasta substitutes for figure-conscious people. Pasta ideas: This keeps the pasta low in calories Noodles have around 350 kilocalories per 100 grams dry weight and nothing can be shaken about that...

Juicing cherries: the best tips and tricks

Those who harvest cherries from their own tree in the garden are often in a situation to have plenty of them. A fresh cherry juice is a good way to process cherries. Read here what you should look out for when juicing the small fruits. Juice cherries with a juicer With your own juicer, your cherries can be turned into cherry juice in no time at all Wash and stone the cherries...

Grill low-calorie - feast with tricks without remorse

Eat delicious and still grill low calories - that does not exclude itself. Your barbecue will be a pleasure even without fat if you follow a few small tricks. Grill low-calorie: no problem with these tricks With the following tips you can start a barbecue evening relaxed and without counting calories...

Water with mint: this is how the drink helps you lose weight

Water with mint not only refreshes, the drink also helps you lose weight. One reason is the fiber contained in the mint. This practical tip will tell you which other ingredients are beneficial and how you prepare the drink. Water with mint - the ideal drink for losing weight Water with mint not only quenches your thirst, it also helps you lose weight...

Cannabis addiction: The risk of smoking weed is so high

Opponents of cannabis legalization often cite the risk of addiction associated with drug use. You can find out what this is about in this article. Cannabis - addiction is possible Cannabis can be consumed in different forms in different ways. Whether you just smoke hash or weed, or eat cannabis as a cookie, the effective ingredients are always the same...

Prepare pumpkin soup in a Thermomix - how it works

The preparation of pumpkin soup is child's play in the Thermomix. In our recipe we show what you need and how to set your Thermomix correctly. Pumpkin soup from the Thermomix - you need these ingredients If you want to prepare a pumpkin soup for four people, you can take over our quantities. If you have more or fewer guests, simply increase or decrease the amount of ingredients accordingly...

Juicing without a juicer: This is how it works without a juicer

Juice your fruits easily without a juicer. Fresh juices are particularly popular in summer. If you want to make fruit juices yourself on a permanent basis, your own juicer is convenient, but not absolutely necessary. How to juice without a juicer Don't have a juicer on hand? Then simply juice with a blender...

Hello fresh: 3 good alternatives

Finding alternatives to Hello Fresh, probably the most well-known provider of cook boxes, doesn't have to be that easy, because all providers and offers have advantages and disadvantages. With this practical tip, we would like to make it easier for you to decide for / against a provider and introduce alternatives to Hello Fresh...

Caring for culinary herbs: you have to consider that

Most culinary herbs are fairly easy to care for. Pay attention to a few small things, the plants will thrive without any problems and give you a good harvest. Caring for culinary herbs - location and pot size Proper care of culinary herbs begins with the choice of location. Whether on the windowsill, in the bucket or in the bed - Mediterranean kitchen herbs need a lot of sun...

Couscous: 3 recipes for summer

Couscous is ideal for summer cuisine. We present three recipes with which you can prepare light dishes for the warm season. Couscous recipe with summer vegetables The quantities in this recipe are designed for four servings. Boil a liter of water with a tablespoon of vegetable broth and pour 400g of couscous over it in a large bowl...

Planting chives on the balcony: how it works

If you don't have your own garden, you can plant chives on the balcony. You don't need a distinctive green thumb for the healthy culinary herbs to thrive. Plant chives on the balcony - an easy-care culinary herb The herb grows easily in the pot and you can therefore grow it well on the balcony...

Low-calorie pasta salad: 3 recipe ideas

A pasta salad is ideal as a side dish for your next barbecue. You can find three delicious and low-calorie recipes here. Italian-style low-calorie pasta salad Invite friends to a barbecue, it is best to make enough pasta salad. Our quantities are sufficient for six people. To do this, cook 500 grams of pasta...

Oregano tea: that's the effect

Oregano is a healthy spice that can also be used as a tea to help with numerous health problems. The herb is rich in vitamin C and essential oils, which have been proven to have antibacterial and antiviral effects. The effect of oregano tea on the body You can use tea from oregano as a home remedy. Use is helpful for all forms of complaints in the area of ​​the respiratory tract, such as cough or bronchitis. In...

Papa John's: What you should know about the US pizza chain

Papa John's Pizza is an American pizza chain. Even though the pizza is tasty and the delivery service is convincing, the founder of the restaurant made the chain unpopular in the USA. Papa John's Pizza: It's about the chain Papa John's is the fourth largest pizza chain in the United States...

Eid Mubarak: Best wishes and congratulations

"Eid Mubarak" is one of the most popular wishes in the Arab world. Traditionally, Muslims and Arab Christians use the greeting for "breaking the fast" or the "sacrifice festival". We have put together what it means and further wishes and congratulations for you. Eid Mubarak - use of desire The festival of sacrifice, also known as Eid al-Adha, is considered the most important festival of Islamic culture with the "breaking of the fast" after Ramadan, at which Muslims or Arabs often wish for "Eid Mubarak"...

Oats: Interesting facts about cereals

Oats are rightly described as healthy, healing and as a valuable mineral supplier. We have summarized something worth knowing about the miracle grain for you. Oats help you lose weight and provide your body with important nutrients. Oats: The better grain When you talk about oats, you probably mean the oats...

Make herbal liqueur yourself - how it works

Making herbal liqueur yourself is useful several times. It tastes delicious, is healing and made in just a few steps. Ingredients to make your own herb liqueur There is a herb against every ailment. And indeed, the aromatic plants in the forest and meadow help us to stay healthy and to activate our self-healing powers...

Grate horseradish - how it works

By grating horseradish, you release the unmistakable aroma of the vegetables. Since the root is very spicy, the horseradish is prepared very finely. Read here what else you should consider when preparing healthy vegetables. Grating horseradish - the preparatory work The sharp taste of horseradish results from the high proportion of mustard oil...

Store horseradish correctly: this way it stays fresh for a long time

If you only pay attention to a few small things when storing the horseradish, the healthy ingredients of the spicy vegetables are largely preserved. In addition, the horseradish stays fresh and aromatic for a comparatively long time when stored correctly. Horseradish - with the right storage preserve the nutrients The taste of horseradish is unmistakable and certainly not for everyone...

Making ice cream with and without an ice machine - how it works

You can easily make delicious ice cream yourself. The advantage is that you know exactly what's in it. We present a few recipes for DIY ice cream with and without an ice machine. Making ice cream with the ice cream maker - it's that easy If you have an ice cream maker at home, you can easily make your own ice cream...

Make fruit ice cream yourself - how it works

You can make a delicious fruit ice cream yourself in various ways. We'll show you two methods in this article. With the first one, you can even enjoy the ice cream immediately without waiting. Making fruit ice cream yourself - the quick option If you have a craving for a refreshing fruit ice cream, the treat is ready in no time...

Make ice cream yourself: the 3 best tips and recipes

As a refreshment on hot summer days, you can easily make your own ice cream. So you always have your favorite flavor in sufficient quantities. We present three simple recipes for DIY treats. Make ice cream yourself - a quick water ice recipe You can make delicious water ice quickly and easily yourself...

Birch sap: the drink is so healthy

Due to its white trunk, the birch is a very characteristic tree, which is widespread in Germany. Few people know that birch sap can be extracted from the trunk. We show you how healthy it really is. Healthy ingredients of birch sap Birch sap is obtained from the trunk and thick branches of the birch and contains valuable ingredients for the human body...

Pescetarians: Not all animals are taboo

Pescetarians are sometimes referred to as vegetarians "light". Not all animals are off limits to this diet. We explain what Pescetarians eat and what they don't. Pescetarians - no meat but fish Pescetarians, like vegetarians, do without meat and meat products such as sausages. In contrast to vegetarians, pescetarians do not entirely avoid animal foods...

Ginkgo: Effect and application of the medicinal plant

Due to its diverse effects, ginkgo has been a medicinal plant for thousands of years. How the remedy works depends very much on the application. We explain what you need to know in this health tip. Ginkgo - effect of the medicinal plant The healing agents are found in the leaves of the ginkgo tree. In addition to flavonoids, the leaves also contain ginkgolides and terpenes...

Energize water: what is behind it and how it works

More and more people are following the trend to energize water. In this article you will find out what this is all about and how the energizing of the water should work. Energize water - that's the reason Energy is actually a term from physics. However, the energization of water has nothing to do with this physical concept - the concept comes from esotericism...

Compress water: that's the reason

If you want to compress water or other liquids, you will not have it easy. This practical tip explains why. Physical properties of water Water consists of two hydrogen and one oxygen atom (short: H2O). Water mostly occurs in the liquid state, but depending on the state of matter it can become gaseous to vapor or solid to ice...

Brewing beer yourself: you should note that

If you want to brew beer yourself, you need a lot of patience and the right ingredients. You can read what you should pay attention to and which ingredients you need in the following practical tip. Brewing beer - you need it If you want to brew your own beer, there are different sets that include almost everything...

Sugar per day: How much sugar is healthy in a day

This practical tip tells you how much sugar you should consume per day and which tricks the food industry uses here. So much sugar is healthy According to the World Health Organization (WHO), we shouldn't consume more than six teaspoons of sugar a day from processed foods. That corresponds to 25 grams...

Sugar in cola and other soft drinks: that's really in it

Sugar is found in many soft drinks such as cola. If you put the amount of sugar in cola in relation to the daily requirement, the sugar content in it is far too high. We will clarify how much is really there. So much sugar is really in cola & co. Cola, iced tea, fruit spritzer or lemonade. They all contain a lot of sugar...

Frozen berries: This temperature protects against noroviruses and hepatitis

The risk posed by viruses in frozen berries is often underestimated because we have saved fruit as healthy. However, you should be careful about frozen fruit and take the warning from the Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety seriously. Health risk from noroviruses and hepatitis in frozen berries Of course, the best are the fresh organic berries from your own garden...

Avocado: This is how you recognize a ripe fruit

It is not always easy to tell with the naked eye whether an avocado is ripe. In this article we explain what you have to pay attention to when choosing a fruit. Avocado: This characteristic has a ripe fruit There are several characteristics that characterize a ripe avocado fruit. On the outside, avocados usually look very similar and it is therefore difficult to tell the difference with the naked eye...

Cooking french fries: what you should know about them

Although fries are much better for the oven or deep fryer, we will show you some tips that you can use to prepare the potatoes in the microwave. Cooking fries in the microwave - tips Preparation is not impossible, but depending on the microwave, it is not recommended. First check the settings of your microwave...

Preparing fries in the pan: the best tips and tricks

If you don't have a deep fryer, you can also prepare fries in the pan. We give you some helpful tips. Frying fries in the pan - you should note that Whether homemade or bought fries - you can prepare both variants in the pan. Let a pan get hot at the highest setting. Depending on the pan thickness, this takes up to 10 minutes...

Trout: These calories are in the fish

The calories in a trout depend on the type of preparation. This is important if you keep an eye on your calories and don't want to experience any unwanted surprises. We show you how different the value can be. Trout: calories by method of preparation 100 g of raw trout have 105 kcal, which is, for example, significantly less than wild salmon (142 kcal) or eel (188 kcal)...

Plums are so healthy: 5 reasons to eat more of them

Fruits and vegetables are healthy for your body. The plum is also a fruit that promotes your health and can be incorporated into your diet with a clear conscience. We'll show you five reasons why eating more plums is worth it. Plums: they are so healthy Plums not only taste delicious and are versatile, the nutrient content is also impressive...

Corn: These calories are in the grain

The calorie content in corn changes depending on how you prepare the grain. We tell you whether corn is suitable for a healthy diet and what ingredients are included. Corn: calories and ingredients Corn ends up on your breakfast table as cornflakes, it can be cooked or grilled or nibbled as popcorn at the TV evening...

Planting pak choi - how it works

Pak Choi can be planted with seeds or early plantlets from the nursery. The vegetable is also called mustard cabbage and originally comes from China and Japan. With a little gardening skill, the Pak Choi also thrives here. This is how Pak Choi can be planted Pak Choi is a leafy vegetable and looks reminiscent of Swiss chard...

Diet product Skyr: What is the yogurt substitute made of?

Skyr is a dairy product from Iceland. The cream cheese is low in fat and is therefore well suited for diets. You can find preparation tips and further information about Skyr in this practical tip. What is Skyr? A short explanation Skyr is a traditional Icelandic milk product and has been served there for many centuries...

Pumpkin season: The pumpkin rules in these months

When autumn comes, it also comes: the pumpkin season, which many have longed for. The pumpkins are not only a great colorful addition to the garden and house, the delicious pumpkin dishes are finally back on the menu. Pumpkin time - then the colorful pumpkin months begin If you planted the pumpkin seeds in spring, you can look forward to a proper pumpkin harvest from the end of August...

Paprika: This is how healthy the vegetables are

The healthy paprika is one of the most popular vegetables. In this article you will find out which ingredients the pods bring and why they are so healthy. Paprika: This is how healthy the vegetables are If you value a healthy diet, peppers should be on your menu more often. The pods bring a good dose of vitamin C...

Drinking aloe vera: you need to know

Aloe Vera supports health. The medicinal plant has been known to primitive people for centuries and is used there regularly. What many do not know - you can not only apply aloe vera, but also drink it. Drink aloe vera for more power Aloe Vera consists of over 200 active ingredients. The ingredients have a positive effect on different areas in the body...

Herbstzeitlose: This is how poisonous a plant is for horses

The autumn timeless is a real problem for horses. The plant, also known as the crocus, is highly toxic to the animal. Here you can read about the dangers and how you can prevent them from being eaten. Autumn timelessness as a danger to horses Autumn timeless or crocuses are highly toxic not only to humans, but also to horses...

Shafts: Why animal rights activists take action against them

Animals are slaughtered every day. There are different methods. Slaughtering is a method of slaughter that is not welcomed by animal rights activists. We explain everything about the topic. That is why animal rights activists are taking action against slaughtering Meat is a popular food. There are different ways to slaughter an animal...

Cleaning mushrooms: the best tips and tricks

Mushrooms have few calories, are healthy and go well with many dishes. Before you can process the mushrooms, you must first clean them. We'll tell you how this works best here. With these tips and tricks you can properly clean mushrooms Mushrooms are perfect in sauces, on the grill, or in salads...

Peel hazelnuts - how it works

Whether in a cake or as a snack in between - peeled hazelnuts are very tasty. The brown skin is not for everyone. We will tell you here how you can peel hazelnuts with little effort with this simple trick. Peel the hazelnuts and remove the brown skin Peeling hazelnuts seems like an insurmountable task...

Whiskey cocktails - the tastiest drinks with whiskey

With a whiskey you can prepare many different cocktails. In this article, we present a few delicious recipes for whiskey drinks. Whiskey - cocktail recipes for the alcoholic beverage Basically, you can use any whiskey for a cocktail. However, since whiskeys have very different tastes, you should proceed here according to your preferences...

Can whiskey go bad? You should know that about durability

If you bought a good whiskey, you may ask if whiskey can go bad. We clarify. Whiskey cannot go bad Whiskey is a high-proof alcoholic beverage. Alcohol is a tried and tested preservative. In principle, alcohol cannot go bad. So whiskey cannot go bad in the sense of spoiling. However, whiskey can change its taste over time or even lose it...

Prepare gin and tonic ice cream - how it works

If you serve your guests a gin and tonic ice cream instead of the cocktail at the summer party, this provides additional refreshment. In this article, we show you how to prepare the ice cream. Gin and tonic ice cream: You need these ingredients Since a gin and tonic ice cream is made with alcohol, the treat is not suitable for children...

Grindstones: This grit is the right one

Grindstones are practical aids for always sharp knives at home. However, the utensils are available in different grain sizes. You can find out which is the right grit for which purpose in this kitchen appliance tip. Coarse grindstones If you want to sharpen your very blunt blades again, it is best to use a grindstone with a coarse grit...

Porridge: The breakfast porridge is really that healthy

Porridge is still a popular and seemingly healthy breakfast. Depending on the ingredients and method of preparation, the porridge may or may not be healthy. In this article we explain what is behind it. Porridge: You determine how healthy breakfast is You can buy porridge as a finished product in powder form or prepare it yourself...

Fungal Poisoning: Symptoms and What You Should Do Now

In the worst case, fungal poisoning can be fatal. If you experience certain symptoms after eating mushrooms, you should act promptly and not wait long. Symptoms of fungal intoxication It is more common than expected that people make mistakes while collecting mushrooms. Because harmless mushrooms can also look like toadstools...

Thermomix: Overview of alternatives

The Thermomix food processor is very popular in every household. This is why many customers go looking for alternatives because the high price scares off many customers. Thermomix - alternatives to the original Many users appreciate the great multifunctionality of Thermomix. Regardless of whether it is shredding, heating, cooking or mixing: the kitchen appliance ensures greater convenience when preparing food and drinks...

Bratwurst: There are so many calories in the popular grill food

The bratwurst is undisputedly the Germans' favorite grill food. The meat specialty is fatty and has many calories. Vitamins and minerals are also included. Bratwurst: Different calories depending on the type of meat Statistically speaking, every German eats three kilograms of bratwurst a year. The pork sausage is particularly popular - it is also the most high-calorie variant...

Ketogenic diet: that's the reason

Ketogenic nutrition is considered a miracle cure to lose weight quickly. However, one-sided nutrition not only has advantages, it also has disadvantages. We have summarized for you exactly what is behind the ketogenic diet. Ketogenic nutrition - that is behind the diet Like many other diets, the ketogenic diet is traded as a miracle weapon to lose pounds quickly...

Frutarians: The vegan life for advanced users

Being vegan is nothing special anymore, especially in big cities. If you want to go one step further, you will become a Frutarian. In this article we explain what this is all about. Frutarian diet As the name suggests, Frutarians are people who feed exclusively on fruit. How strictly the diet is followed depends heavily on the personal beliefs of the people...

Flexitarian: Sometimes the meat should not be missing

Vegan, keto, paleo - there are many diets. In addition, these are often very restrictive and strict. The diet of the flexitarians is a counter development. In this article we explain what this is all about. What flexitarians eat Flexitarians, also known as semi or part-time vegetarians, follow a diet that is largely plant-based, but also includes meat consumption at irregular intervals...

Mushrooms: that's how healthy culinary delights are

Mushrooms are particularly valued as a culinary delicacy. However, only a few people know that mushrooms are very healthy thanks to their many fiber and nutrients. In this article we explain why mushrooms are so healthy. Mushrooms are so healthy Mushrooms feed on organic material and breathe oxygen. Boletus, mushrooms, morels and truffles as well as shiitake mushrooms are particularly healthy...

Water with lemon: that's behind the health booster

Drinking water with lemon is not only refreshing but also very healthy. The yellow fruit contains half of our daily requirement of vitamin C and is therefore a real health booster. Water with lemon: you should know that The consumption of water with lemon has some beneficial benefits. We recommend that you drink at least one glass of the health booster every day...

Collagen intake with a vegan diet: you should pay attention to this

The important protein collagen is often neglected in a vegan diet. We have summarized what you need to know in this regard for this post. Collagen and vegan nutrition - the connection Collagen is a fiber-forming protein. With a share of around 30 percent, it is the most common protein in the body. Collagen fibers not only ensure firm skin...

Coffee while breastfeeding: what you should consider

Breastfeeding after pregnancy and drinking coffee every now and then is not a taboo - it is important to use the luxury food in a well-dosed and responsible manner. We have summarized what you should pay attention to in this health tip. Coffee while breastfeeding - you should be aware of this If you like to drink coffee, you don't have to do completely without the invigorating drink while breastfeeding...

Coffee and its effects on the body: that's the reason

Whether coffee has a positive or negative effect on the human body is still controversial. The only thing that is certain is that caffeine has good and bad sides. The effect differs depending on how well you tolerate the drink. Coffee has a stimulating effect on the body After a cup of coffee there is no doubt that your mind is more alert and you are less tired...

Brewing coffee: This is how you get the best filter coffee

Cooking coffee by hand delivers great filter coffee enjoyment. Although this is more time-consuming than with a conventional coffee machine, it is even more worthwhile. Because only with the right preparation does the coffee develop its full aroma. You need this to make filter coffee The most common way of making coffee is still with the coffee machine...

Coffee during pregnancy: what you should consider

There are a number of nutritional considerations to consider during pregnancy. You should also keep an eye on your coffee consumption before giving birth. You can read how much coffee is safe for you and your baby in this practical tip. Coffee in pregnancy - how does caffeine affect your baby? The caffeine contained in coffee stimulates the cardiovascular system and among other things ensures that the heart of the consumer beats faster...

Coffee for diarrhea: what you should consider

Coffee is not a good idea for diarrhea. The aromatic drink even aggravates the symptoms. You can find out why this is the case and which alternatives are better suited as a drink for diarrheal diseases in this practical tip. Coffee for diarrhea - a NoGo Coffee is not a helpful home remedy for diarrhea or constipation...

Black coffee: why you should avoid milk

Many people enjoy their coffee with a dash of milk. According to newer knowledge, black coffee would be the clearly healthier option. This health tip explains why you should avoid milk in coffee. Coffee - with milk it loses an important property Coffee is not only a tasty, but also a healthy drink. Coffee is a proven and recommended remedy not only for constipation...

Mustard: The spice is so healthy

Mustard is mainly known as a spice and less for being healthy. But the yellow grains of the mustard plant have numerous positive properties for your physical well-being. Essential oils make the mustard healthy The mustard owes its healthy properties primarily to its essential oils. These stimulate your blood circulation and warm the body...

Pineapple while breastfeeding: what you should know about it

While breastfeeding, the pineapple can cause problems for your child. In general, you should avoid acidic fruit while breastfeeding. We have summarized for you why this is so and what you should know about it. About pineapple consumption while breastfeeding Certain types of fruit and vegetables can cause bloating or allergic reactions in babies...

Make mustard yourself: the best tips and tricks

You only need a few ingredients to make mustard yourself. The basic recipe can be changed into many tasty variations. Mild or spicy, you can prepare mustard the way you like it in a few simple steps. The basic recipe for making mustard yourself Be sure to use fresh, high quality ingredients. This guarantees a wonderfully spicy taste experience...

Coriander: It is suitable for these recipes

Coriander is a popular spice in various kitchens. Not everyone likes it, but it comes in many recipes. We explain what coriander is suitable for and in which countries it is used. Coriander fruits or coriander green Coriander processes both the fruits and the green. The dried fruits give your food a warm, spicy note thanks to essential oils that go well with honey, camphor, pepper, pine or cinnamon...

Rosemary in pregnancy: what you should pay attention to

Certain foods and herbs are not always allowed or well tolerated during pregnancy. Because they can affect the health of your unborn child. You can find out here whether this also applies to rosemary. Rosemary allowed as a spice during pregnancy Even during pregnancy, you do not have to do without the Mediterranean cuisine with rosemary...

Use mustard against heartburn - how it works

Heartburn occurs when the stomach is over-acidified and produces too much stomach acid. Mustard is often used as a home remedy for acid regurgitation. Why mustard works against heartburn Sufferers report that the yellow paste quickly alleviates the symptoms. Others complain that the symptoms worsen afterwards...

Star anise: health effects

Star anise is originally from China and grows as a fruit of the evergreen magnolia trees. In this article you can read what effect star anise can have on your health as a spice and medicinal plant. The health effects of star anise With star anise you can maintain and promote your health in a natural way...

Dry nettle - how it works

You can dry nettle so that you can use the leaves later for tea or as a medicinal herb. The best way to do this is to collect the plant fresh from the meadow, as far away from the side of the road as possible so that there are no harmful substances on it. Collect the right nettles to dry Before you can dry nettles, you must first collect them...

Brahmi: That is the effect of the medicinal plant

The effects of Brahmi are versatile. The South Asian plant helps to calm down but at the same time also promotes brain memory. Read here how the medicinal herb helps you and how you should take it. That is the effect of Brahmi Brahmi works to improve mental performance and protect nerve cells. The plant is actually called Bacopa Monnieri and is used in Ayurvedic medicine...

Fermenting vegetables: meaning and origin

Fermenting vegetables is not a new trend, but has been known for decades. In our article we explain the importance of this preservation method for health. Fermenting vegetables: importance of the preservation method Fermenting vegetables means preserving freshly harvested vegetables. A well-known example is sauerkraut in a mason jar...

Freeze a smoothie: what you should know about it

If something is left over from a delicious smoothie, you may want to freeze the rest and thus extend the shelf life. We explain how this works and what you should consider here. Freeze the smoothie - this will extend the shelf life A fresh smoothie can be kept in the fridge for between 12 and 24 hours...

Lose weight with lemon and break down fat: how it works

The lemon helps you lose weight and lose fat. You owe this primarily to the high vitamin C content of the tropical fruit. A lot of other lemon ingredients make your body healthy and fit. Lose weight with lemon and break down fat - that's why it works Lemon is primarily valued for its high vitamin C content...

Store lemon properly - how it works

Often you only need half a lemon juice, so it is more practical to know how to properly store the rest of the fruit. Never store whole lemons in the refrigerator Today the evergreen citrus plant is native to the Mediterranean. That is why the fruits are used to a warm climate. When buying lemons, make sure that there are no moldy or mushy fruits in the net...

Preserve mushrooms: the best tips and advice

If you store mushrooms correctly, they not only stay fresh longer, but also retain their aroma. We explain all tips and tricks for correct storage in this article. How to properly store mushrooms With the right storage, you can enjoy mushrooms you have collected or bought for longer. If they are not stored correctly, they are usually inedible after a short time...

Make meat durable - how it works

Meat is a food that can be preserved in many ways. There are far more options available to you than just the freezer. You can find out what options are available in this article. Make meat durable - not just in the freezer If you bought meat in stock, think about freezing first when it comes to extending shelf life...

Meat from the laboratory: what you should know about this trend

Meat from the laboratory sounds strange, but it can already be made in a test tube. Some startups are also working on bringing it to restaurants and supermarkets. But how exactly is the meat made and what are the advantages and disadvantages? Meat from the laboratory: definition and production All the important facts about meat from the laboratory that you need to know: The meat from the laboratory is also known as in-vitro meat (lat...

Eating Snake: What You Should Know About It

In many countries, eating snakes is perceived as a delicacy. In Germany it sounds rather exotic to most. Learn what you should know about eating snakes in the following practical tip. You should know this information before eating snakes Snake meat is consumed in many Asian, African countries and in the USA...

Potatoes: The small tubers are so healthy

Potatoes are not only a popular, but also a very healthy side dish. In addition, the small tuber can be prepared in a variety of ways. You can find out which healthy ingredients the popular food brings to your plate here. That's what makes potatoes so healthy Potatoes are a versatile vegetable with numerous, healthy ingredients...

Make donuts yourself: 3 different recipes

Donuts are colorful, sweet and delicious. You can easily make the pastries yourself. In this practical tip, we present three different recipes - from classic to vegan. Enjoy your meal! Recipe 1: Make your own fried donuts with a cinnamon sugar crust Donuts are a traditional American pastry. The lard curls with the hole in the middle mostly consist of a yeast or batter...

Open coconut: the best tips and tricks

To get to the delicious pulp, you first have to open a coconut. This is not so easy. With our tips and tricks you will definitely succeed. Open coconut with a hammer The most common way to crack a coconut is with a hammer. To do this, first drill a hole in two of the three germ holes. You can recognize the germ holes by the slightly recessed spots on the upper side of the coconut...

Wheat Flour: Unhealthy or Healthy?

Wheat flour is actually not unhealthy. It has a lot of nutrients and can be easily processed in food. Some people have problems with wheat flour if they cannot tolerate certain proteins, gluten or so-called FODMAPS. Wheat Flour: Full of Nutrients - Still Unhealthy? People have been eating wheat for several millennia...

Make celery juice yourself - how it works

Celery juice is considered a superfood because it contains many vital substances that are healthy for your body. In this article you can read how you can make celery juice yourself. How to make celery juice yourself For celery juice you only need 600g celery stalks. First rinse the celery with warm water and cut off the stalk...

Vitamin against fatigue: causes and symptoms of a vitamin deficiency

You can target fatigue with different vitamins. It is often possible to deduce the lack of vitamins from the symptoms. How to find the right vitamin against fatigue Our body needs vitamins for a wide variety of tasks. Accordingly, you can tell from the symptoms of vitamin deficiency the vitamin your body needs...

Szeged goulash: how it works

Szegediner goulash is a Hungarian dish consisting of hot spices, fatty pork and sauerkraut. In the following article we will show you how to prepare it yourself. Prepare Szegediner goulash - the ingredients In order to be able to cook Szeged goulash for four people, you need the following ingredients...

Cheeseburger: This is how you can make it yourself at home

Cheeseburgers are not only delicious, they are also quick and easy to prepare. In the following article we explain how to make the tasty meal yourself. Quick and easy: make cheeseburgers yourself The cheeseburger is also very popular in summer - whether it's for a BBQ in the garden or a picnic in the park...

Make cocoa yourself - how it works

Instead of buying ready-made drinking cocoa, you can easily make your own variant of the chocolate drink yourself. That is why we have put together four fresh and individual recipes for you. Make cocoa yourself - a vegan variant For this recipe you need a plant milk of your choice, raw cocoa powder, vanilla extract, 50 grams of vegan chocolate and a banana...

Avocado: That is why it is a fruit and not a vegetable

With the avocado, many are unsure whether it is fruit or vegetables. Find out why avocado is included in fruit in this article on food. Avocado - fruits or vegetables? With some fresh foods, the distinction between fruits and vegetables is not that easy. Most people attribute healthy avocado to vegetables...

Thermomix alternatives: what to look for when buying

Thermomix alternatives offer an inexpensive alternative to the original device for all amateur cooks. Here you can find out what you should pay attention to when buying to get all the benefits of your new device. Thermomix alternatives What you should pay attention to when buying a Thermomix alternative depends primarily on yourself...

Beyond Burger: that's the healthy alternative

The Beyond Burger is a healthy and meatless alternative to conventional beef burgers. You can find out what distinguishes it and what ingredients are contained in our practical tip. Beyond Burger is really that healthy The Beyond Burger consists of vegetable proteins and contains no meat. However, both the consistency of the patty and the taste come very close to beef...

Make your own curry ketchup: the best recipe for the barbecue season

With the warm temperatures, the desire to grill grows. Of course, the perfect sauce for steak and Co. shouldn't be missing. We show you how to make curry ketchup yourself and the barbecue is guaranteed to be a success. Recipe: homemade curry ketchup You can get the ingredients from any supermarket...

Grilling in the fire bowl: the best ideas

Grilling in the fire bowl is an interesting alternative to the kettle or gas grill. The portable fireplaces can be used in various ways to provide warmth and delicious food. Grilling in the fire bowl: use pots and pans The big advantage of using a fire bowl is the double function. While you provide pleasant warmth and a blazing fire with a fire bowl, it can be used for grilling at the same time...

Pizza dough: the 3 most delicious recipes for homemade pizza bases

Homemade always tastes best. This applies in particular to pizza bases. The three most delicious recipes for homemade pizza bases arouse your hunger for a homemade pizza. Pizza originale - An Italian pizza base An Italian recipe starts. An airy-crispy pizza base made from seven ingredients and with a lot of kneading in the Italian way...

Pizza: make dough without yeast yourself - how it works

A good pizza dough is the be-all and end-all of the Italian classic. Mostly yeast is used to make the dough fluffy. With some know-how, the pizza dough without yeast will be just as tasty. Sourdough - the alternative for champions Sourdough is often used as a substitute for yeast when baking bread. The good old German rye bread is even baked in the classic way without yeast...

Food pairing: food combinations that taste good and surprise

Food pairing is a trend in which foods are combined that at first glance do not match. In this practical tip, we'll show you what it's all about. Food pairing - a science in itself Combining pineapple with blue cheese is first of all a creative idea that frowns some people. It is no coincidence that this combination of foods really tastes good...

Make guacamole yourself: This is how the delicious avocado cream works

A delicious avocado cream is quick and easy. To make a healthy and tasty guacamole yourself, you just have to follow a few recipe steps. Making guacamole yourself: a simple recipe Avocados are rightly considered healthy. Because they contain many vitamins, minerals and trace elements. With the right recipe, you can quickly and easily conjure up a guacamole that is not only healthy but also tastes good...

Alfalfa: effect of healthy sprouts

Alfalfa has a healthy effect on the body and is particularly popular in the form of sprouts. It is also known as alfalfa or perennial clover and is easy to grow at home. So you can use the power of the plant at any time. Alfalfa and its effects Alfalfa is a green plant, which means that it contains a lot of chlorophyll...

Steaming eggs instead of cooking: how it works & these are the advantages

There are some advantages to steaming eggs instead of boiling them. For this you need a steam insert for the pot or a steam cooker. This article explains the advantages of steaming eggs and how it works. How to steam eggs There are two ways to steam eggs. You do this either with a steamer or with an ordinary saucepan...

Sharpening knives: The best sharpening tools for knives

Grind your knives regularly, cut well with them over the long term. This kitchen tip will tell you which of the grinding tools are particularly well suited for this task. Knife sharpening with knife grinder A knife sharpener is a practical kitchen utensil. A simple pull-through grinder enables the knife to be sharpened quickly...

Decalcify water: How to get lime-free drinking water

There are many reasons to descale water. Among other things, lime will permanently contaminate your kitchen appliances and will not taste good in drinking water. This practical tip shows you how to remove lime from the water. Why descale water Decalcifying water makes sense especially if the drinking water contains a high proportion of lime...

Order groceries online: price comparison and product comparison

You can also order your groceries in the online supermarket if you don't have time to shop. Our price comparison and an overview of the product range shows you what you should consider when shopping for the five large online supermarkets. Food bought online quickly delivered to many cities: "All You Need" "All You Need" has a comprehensive range of fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy products and household items...

Kava Kava: Effect and application of the root

Kava belongs to the pepper family and has long been traditionally used in Oceania. According to research, the strength of the anti-anxiety effect is comparable to that of benzodiazepines. Kava - an anti-anxiety root The root of the kava smoke, which is also called kawapeffer or intoxicating pepper, can weigh up to ten kilograms...

Peel kiwi properly - how it works

You can peel the kiwi, but you don't have to. If you decide to do this, make sure that you only remove very thin strips of skin. As with many other types of fruit, the kiwi has many nutrients directly under the skin. Peel kiwi - kitchen knife and peeler option If the kiwi is still relatively hard, it is best to peel the fruit with a sharp kitchen knife or a peeler...

Coltsfoot: This is the effect of the plant

Coltsfoot is known for its action against irritable cough and mucus. It makes it easier to cough up even with chronic ailments. Its botanical name, Tussilago, is also derived from the Latin word "tussis" for cough. Coltsfoot - a wild vegetable with an anti-cough effect Long before the leaves appear the flower of the plant, which belongs to the daisy family and greets us in early spring with its bright yellow color...

Bellflower: the plant is so poisonous

There is still controversy as to whether the bellflower is poisonous. The plant is used as a remedy. It is not clearly proven whether consumption in humans and animals can lead to poisoning. Are Bellflower Poisonous Or Not? To date, it has not been clearly established whether or how toxic the plant is...

Finger shrub: So poisonous is the crop

The finger shrub impresses with its striking colors. Before you plant the crop in the family garden, it is important to know whether it is poisonous or harmless. The answer to this question and further information about the plant can be found here. All information as to whether the shrub is poisonous and how to care for it The finger shrub is available in different colors and is an attractive eye-catcher for your garden...

Flamingo flower: the plant is so poisonous

The flamingo flower is a popular houseplant with showy flowers. However, colorful plants are often toxic to humans and animals at the same time. We tell you what you need to know about this. Flamingo flower: All parts of the plant are poisonous The flamingo flower is one of the poisonous houseplants...

Freeze parsley: this is how it is preserved

To make parsley long-lasting, freezing is a good preservation method. In the following practical tip, we will show you how to freeze fresh parsley. Freeze parsley - how it works To maintain the strong seasoning power of parsley, freezing is the most effective and easiest way to make it last longer. There are different options: First, you can freeze the parsley as a whole bouquet ...

Parsley is healthy: effects and ingredients

Many have already thought that parsley is healthy. But very few people know exactly what vitamins and nutrients are in parsley. In this article we give you an overview. Parsley: an overview of nutritional values 100g of parsley contains: Energy: 52 kcal Fat: 0.3g Protein: 4.4g Carbohydrates: 7.4g Dietary fiber: 4...

Cinnamon in pregnancy: what you should know about it

Whether the consumption of cinnamon is harmful during pregnancy depends not only on the amount you consume. In this post, you will learn what you need to know about the effects of cinnamon on your and your baby's health. Only enjoy cinnamon in moderation during pregnancy Cinnamon is said to have a labor-promoting effect...

Mushrooms during pregnancy: what you should consider

You should not eat some foods during pregnancy - including mushrooms. Because there are some factors that can be dangerous for mother and the unborn. We explain what you should pay attention to. Mushrooms are not completely excluded during pregnancy Fungi can become dangerous during pregnancy. But it depends on which mushrooms you eat...

Planting and caring for lovage: how it works

If you plant lovage in your garden, the tasty culinary herb will grow almost by itself. In this article, we give you tips on choosing a location and caring for lovage. Plant lovage - how it works Lovage is also known as maggot herb and is often called that. This is because the essential oils in the plant exude a maggi-like smell...

Swiss chard Nutritional values ​​- that's how healthy the vegetables are

The nutritional values ​​of Swiss chard show that the vegetables not only taste good, but are also very healthy. It impresses with its spicy and bitter taste and is used in a wide variety of dishes. The nutritional values ​​of Swiss chard Thanks to its high number of nutritional values, chard was not only a popular plant in the kitchen in ancient times, but was also used as a medicinal plant. The fo...

Blackberries: this is behind the healthy vitamin bomb

Blackberries are healthy fruits that are often grown and harvested in your own garden. We explain why the blackberry is so popular. Blackberry: The berry is so healthy In addition to the good taste, blackberries also contain substances that are very healthy for the human body. Blackberries contain provitamin A in such large quantities that they are the largest supplier of them among the berries...

Meat is unhealthy: that is behind this statement

Too much meat is unhealthy. Many diseases, the cause of which is due to excessive meat consumption, suggest this. On the other hand, scientists assume that moderate meat consumption is healthy. But what is right now? Too much meat is unhealthy for the human organism Studies speak of intestinal and heart diseases, obesity and other dangerous diseases that are caused by too much meat...

Kola nut: effects and side effects of the seed

Most people know what the main effect of extracts of kola nut is from the consumption of cola drinks of the same name. Looked at in detail, there is even more in the tropical seed. The effect of the kola nut is varied The main active ingredients of kola nut, the seed of a fruit from the tropical kola tree, are caffeine and theobromine ...

Eat raw avocado: what you should know about it

The question of whether you can eat an avocado raw often arises if you have never eaten the exotic fruit. Avocado, also known as butter pear, has been celebrated as the superfood par excellence for some time. Eat raw avocado - you should know that Avocados look a little strange at first glance. In addition to the question of whether the fruit can be eaten raw without concern, some people are concerned about how to get the pulp at all...

Avocado: What you should know about healthy superfood

Avocado is high in calories, but a healthy superfood. The nutrients not only support the heart function, they also prevent various diseases. We have summarized for you what the Central American fruit can do. That's why the avocado is so healthy A 140 gram avocado contains about 21 grams of fat and 225 kcal...

Juice fasting: this is how it helps with detoxification

Juice fasting is an alternative to conventional fasting with water or broth. Juice has a high acidity, but it also detoxifies and stimulates digestion. In this practical tip, we explain how juice fasting works. Fasting juice - how it works Juice fasting is a kind of therapeutic fasting. Many only choose to fast at the weekend or a maximum of three days at a time...

Mango: The tropical fruit is so healthy

It is well known that a mango is very healthy. But what exactly is in the exotic fruit and what actually makes you so healthy? You will find the answer in this article. Mangoes are healthy - but why? Everyone knows that fruits - including mangoes - are healthy. But only very few people know what exactly is in the tropical fruit...

Whole body tremors: possible causes

After Chancellor Merkel kept trembling all over the body, there is much speculation about possible causes. Shaking all over the body can indicate a serious illness, but it can also have harmless reasons. Shaking all over - cause: lack of water In the current heat wave, it is important to drink enough fluids to avoid dehydration...

Chlorella vs. Spirulina: a comparison of the two algae

Chlorella vs Spirulina: In this article on health and nutrition, we look at these two types of algae and compare them. Chlorella vs Spirulina - both types of algae briefly presented Both types of algae are considered extremely healthy. Chlorella is an algae that scores with a high iron and protein content...

Spirulina in smoothie: the best recipes and what you should consider

Spirulina is considered a superfood and is not only an ingredient in smoothies due to its green color. We present two recipes for spirulina smoothies, but also explain what you should pay attention to. Spirulina in smoothies - you should note that Spirulina is very trendy as a nutritional supplement...

Make burger buns yourself: the 3 best ideas

A good burger only becomes the best burger with the right bun. In this article we present three recipes with which you can easily make your burger buns yourself. Have fun kneading, baking and enjoying. Recipe 1: Make burger buns with sesame yourself The most popular burger buns are undoubtedly the soft, juicy rolls with sesame seeds on top...

Regional food: recognize products from the surrounding area

With increasing interest in climate change and its consequences, regional foods are becoming increasingly popular. Many supermarkets advertise local products, but not every item is actually produced nearby and not every food does what it says on the tin. Recognize regional food - there are these seals Products from the surrounding area should actually be easily recognizable by the labeling...

Eat cheese rind: you absolutely need to know about it

If you want to eat cheese rind, you should take a close look at what kind of rind it is. The reason is that not all of them are suitable for consumption. We'll tell you what to look out for. You shouldn't eat every cheese rind Cheese rind primarily serves to protect the cheese from external influences...

Order groceries online: price comparison and product comparison

You can also order your groceries in the online supermarket if you don't have time to shop. Our price comparison and an overview of the product range shows you what you should consider when shopping for the five large online supermarkets. Food bought online quickly delivered to many cities: "All You Need" "All You Need" has a comprehensive range of fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy products and household items...

Make vegan snickers yourself - how it works

Although the original is not vegan, as a vegan you do not have to do without “snickers”. We'll show you how you can make the peanut caramel bars yourself in just a few steps. Vegan: ingredients for 8 homemade snickers With these ingredients you can easily prepare healthy snickers yourself, vegan and without baking. Yo...

Use turmeric for healthy, whiter teeth - how it works

Turmeric can gently replace whitening toothpastes for whiter teeth. In addition to the bleaching effect, it also protects your teeth from inflammation and bacteria. You can use turmeric either as a pure powder or as a toothpaste. How to use turmeric for whiter teeth You can use turmeric in various ways to whiten your teeth...

Core the plum quickly: the best tips and tricks

Plums do not have any kernels, but are equipped with stones, so the term "coring" is wrong. Instead, you can quickly and easily stone a plum with a few tools. You can read about the possibilities in this practical tip. Quickly "core" plum: this is how it works with a knife The easiest way to stone plums is when they are ripe but not yet overripe...

Juicing apples: this is how it works

Juicing apples yourself beats any apple juice bought. With or without a juicer, a freshly squeezed apple juice is the perfect start to the day. How to juice apples with a juicer If you have your own juicer at home, you can easily juice apples yourself. Wash the apples and remove the seeds. Peeling is not necessary, since juicers let the juice run through a filter anyway...

PFOA: Information about the controversial chemical

The chemical PFOA is probably unknown to most people. You have probably already come into contact with it. We have summarized important information about the chemical. PFOA - chemical not only for pan coating The abbreviation PFOA stands for "Perfluorooctanoic Acid" or in German for Perfluorooctanoic Acid...

Spare ribs: calories and nutritional values

Spare ribs are particularly popular when barbecuing and should not be missing from meat lovers. The high protein content and the fact that spare ribs have hardly any carbohydrates speak for them. We show you how many calories and nutritional values ​​are in the ribs. Calories in spare ribs Based on a quantity of 100 grams, spare ribs without marinade contain around 277 calories and a fat content of around 24 grams. Th...

Activated carbon: black chewing gum - all important information

Black chewing gum with activated carbon is a new trend that promises whiter teeth. We have summarized what you should know about this here. Black chewing gum with activated carbon for whiter teeth - is that possible? Under the promising name "Black is White", Curaprox offers black chewing gum with activated carbon as an ingredient...

Use the pressure cooker correctly - how it works

Cooking with the pressure cooker saves time and protects nutrients. The operation of the pressure pot is easy if you know the basics. How to start cooking with the pressure cooker If you want to cook with a pressure cooker, first choose the right size for the number of servings required. Models with a capacity of 6 liters and up are suitable for families for 4 and more people...

Harvesting and storing Swiss chard - you should know that

Harvesting and storing Swiss chard is not too complicated. Still, there are a few things to keep in mind. We have put together what you need to know. How to harvest Swiss chard correctly Swiss chard is related to beetroot and just as healthy. However, the two plants differ in that the tuber is eaten in the beetroot, but in the Swiss chard the luxuriantly growing leaves...

Prepare fries in the Airfryer - how it works

Preparing fries in the Airfryer is quick and easy. It is also healthier because you need less fat to cook compared to deep fryers. Preparation of fries in the Airfryrer: Use suitable food To get the best consistency, use fresh potatoes. You can of course also prepare frozen fries in the Airfryer. Solid potatoes are the most suitable...

Grilling without smoke: 3 tricks for balcony grills

A grill without smoke is not only healthier - avoid smoke when barbecuing on the balcony or in the garden, your neighbors will also be happy. We have three tips for you on how to grill with as little smoke or even smoke-free as possible. Grilling without smoke - it works When grilling, smoke primarily arises from meat juice or fat when it drips onto the charcoal...

Fillet oranges: This is how professionals do it

To fillet oranges, you need a sharp knife and a suitable surface. We will show you how to cut the tropical fruit like a professional. Fillet oranges - it's that easy Place the orange on the cutting board and roll the fruit back and forth with your flat hand. This internally detaches the outer skin from the fruit...

Juicing elderberry: the best tips and tricks

The elderberry is a real vitamin bomb. It contains plenty of vitamins C, B and A as well as potassium. If you juice elderberries, you can quickly make a healthy and delicious juice. Juicing elderberries - how it works If you pick elderberries, you should wear old clothes and gloves, because the juice of the berry is difficult to wash from clothes and hands...

Warming up mushrooms: what you should pay attention to

For a long time it was said that mushrooms should not be warmed up. However, this budget rule no longer appears to be valid. But we have summarized for you what you should consider when you warm up mushrooms. Mushrooms can be warmed up After preparation, put the leftovers in the refrigerator and then warm them up again - that is allowed...

Drying mushrooms - how it works

Collected mushrooms should be stored and this works best if you dry the mushrooms. You can then easily process them into soups or other delicacies. Drying mushrooms properly: the preparation In order to keep freshly picked mushrooms longer than three days, they should be dried. First clean the mushrooms by removing dirt and dirt from the mushrooms...

Peeling potatoes: the best tips and tricks

Peeling potatoes is easy. With our tips you can quickly enjoy the yellow tuber - the favorite vegetable of the Germans. Peel raw potatoes If you want to peel raw potatoes, there are basically two options: peeler or knife. If the potatoes are very dirty, you should wash them before peeling them. Then pat them a little dry so they don't slip out of your hand...

Glaze donuts: 3 delicious recipes to try

No matter whether with raspberries, chocolate or colorful frosting: donuts are only perfect after glazing. We present three simple and quick do-it-yourself recipes. Fruity: glaze donuts with raspberries and coconut Glaze your donuts with a fresh summer raspberry glaze. Tip: You can also create the glaze with strawberries or other fruits...

Make veggie burgers yourself - it's easy and healthy

It doesn't always have to be meat - this also applies to a burger. With the right recipe, a veggie burger becomes a real treat. You can read how to make such a burger yourself in this practical tip. Make veggie burgers yourself: quick, easy and delicious Are you a vegetarian or do you want to reduce meat consumption at least one day a week...

Energy drinks and their effects: what you should know about them

Energy drinks are drunk because of their effectiveness against fatigue and to increase performance. Whether in the office or at the party - make yourself aware of what the energy-increasing drinks actually do to your body. The effect of energy drinks Energy drinks contain a lot of sugar, caffeine, colors and flavors as well as, depending on the brand, taurine or guarana...

Peeling mangoes properly: the best tips and tricks

Peeling mangoes is not that difficult with the right trick. You have to decide which tactic is the easiest to remove the fruit from the skin. We'll give you a few tips on how to get the peel from the mango. Peel the mango - so it'll work As long as the peel of the mango is still relatively hard, it can be peeled well...

Mango: This is how you recognize a ripe, fruity mango

Recognizing a ripe mange is relatively easy. You can quickly find out with a few small tricks whether it has been in the store for some time or has just found its place on the shelf. By the way, ripe mangoes are more popular. A ripe mango - so you determine the degree of ripeness There are various ways to determine the ripeness of a mango...

Sharpening knives: the 3 best tips and tricks

If you have blunt knives in your cutlery, you can sharpen them with tricks even if you don't have a sharpening steel or whetstone at hand. We present the three best tips in this article. Sharpen knives with a cup or plate To get your knife sharp again, you only need a cup or a plate made of porcelain...

Introducing baby foods: You should know that

The first spoons of complementary foods - an exciting moment for both the baby and for mom and dad. We have compiled the most important key points so that you know when and how you should handle the introduction of complementary foods. First complementary food: How to find the right time The right time for the introduction of complementary foods is between the beginning of the fifth and seventh month of life...

Bake Nutella cookies - recipe, brisk and quick

Homemade Nutella cookies succeed easily and taste delicious. Our recipe tells you how to bake them. Nutella cookies: ingredients and preparation for the recipe With only five ingredients, you can conjure up wonderfully soft cookies in ten minutes that are addictive for more. Ingredients for approx. 50 pieces: 350g Nutella, 300g flour, 2 eggs, 1 tsp baking powder, 1 pinch of salt Put the nutella, flour, eggs, baking powder and salt in a bowl and knead a smooth, smooth dough...

Turmeric: Effect and use as a remedy

Turmeric is a well-known remedy due to its effects. In this article we show what influence the spice has on your health and how you use it. Effect of turmeric on health Turmeric is mostly used to refine dishes. Like many other spices, the goldenseal has some properties that have a positive effect on health...

Q10 effect: What you should know about the coenzyme

The coenzyme Q10 is already known as a content in several anti-aging products. This article gives you an overview of what else you should know about the effects of Q10. Q10 - Presentation and effects of the coenzyme Q10 is a natural coenzyme that can be detected in vital organs. It is a vitamin-like, fat-soluble substance that occurs in the mitochondria...

Overview of symptoms of lactose intolerance

Lactose intolerance comes with a variety of symptoms. Affected people often have a long suffering before the diagnosis is made. In this practical tip you will learn which symptoms you can use to recognize a laltose intolerance. Lactose intolerance: overview of symptoms In the case of lactose intolerance, affected patients lack the enzyme lactase, which breaks down the lactose...

Shelf life of milk: This is how long it stays after opening

Opened milk in the refrigerator can have a different shelf life depending on the type of product you consume. In this article we consider the correct shelf life of the well-known milk product after opening. Shelf life of milk in the refrigerator The different milk products each have a different shelf life...

Christmas: cocktails with alcohol - 3 delicious recipes

Whether to eat or drink in a relaxed atmosphere: You can easily make alcoholic cocktails for Christmas yourself. We show you three recipes for delicious drinks that you are guaranteed to enjoy. Christmas punch with cinnamon sticks - that's how you make the holiday cocktail yourself The new trend drink glow-gin is spreading more and more - but if you like it more classic, you are well served with a delicious mulled wine or punch...

Why is the banana crooked? We have the explanation

Many wonder why the banana is crooked. There are numerous theories on the Internet about this. In this practical tip, we will tell you what the real reason is why bananas are not growing. That's why the banana is crooked There are many funny theories as to why the banana should be crooked. Some say, for example, that monkeys are bored in the jungle and that they therefore bend the bananas...

Order groceries online: price comparison and product comparison

You can also order your groceries in the online supermarket if you don't have time to shop. Our price comparison and an overview of the product range shows you what you should consider when shopping for the five large online supermarkets. Food bought online quickly delivered to many cities: "All You Need" "All You Need" has a comprehensive range of fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy products and household items...

Saffron for depression: this is how you can use it

Saffron is not only known as a popular seasoning in the kitchen, but is also said to help against depression as a medicinal drug. In this article we explain how the saffron works and what you need to consider when using it. How does saffron work against depression? Saffron has been known in natural medicine for thousands of years...

Horse meat for dogs: you need to know that

Horse meat is playing an increasingly important role in dog food. If you feed your four-legged friend with horse meat, your pet will not only benefit from the good tolerance. Horse meat for dogs - the advantages Like humans, more and more dogs suffer from allergies. In addition to severe flatulence, such an allergy is manifested by diarrhea, among other things...

Proper nutrition for healthy skin: the best tips

Proper nutrition not only promotes your health in general, the nutrients of healthy foods also have a positive effect on your complexion. Here you will find the best tips on the right nutrition for healthy skin. The influence of nutrition on the complexion: you should know that Proper nutrition can help you improve your complexion or relieve certain skin conditions...

Lose weight: these foods help

Proper weight loss foods are natural foods. Here you will find a large selection of slimming agents that make you look fitter, more vital and healthier at the same time. So you not only lose pounds, but feel completely comfortable. Eat fruit to lose weight With fresh, natural fruit, you can quickly lose a few pounds...

Gin and tonic: why the drink is so healthy

Gin and tonic has many healthy ingredients for the human body. The drink even enhances the look. In the following article you will read everything you need to know about it. Gin has these healthy effects on the body Gin is one of the most popular spirits and can be enjoyed cold in the form of gin and tonic in summer or warm as glow gin in winter...

Keeping food warm: the best tips and tricks

There are several ways to keep food warm. Thermo cups or jars are very popular and can be taken anywhere. These come in different sizes and shapes. You can find even more ideas here. Keep the food warm in the pot If you want to keep your food warm in a saucepan, be sure to put the lid on and close it...

Deacidify the body: the best tips and tricks

If you want to deacidify your body, not only does a lot of exercise in the fresh air help. A base-excess diet and a relaxed everyday life are also the cornerstones for a healthy, vital and cheerful body. Deacidify the body - first steps If you want to deacidify your body, you should first omit anything that leads to further acidification...